
To showcase the achievements in strengthening capabilities to prevent smuggling and other violations, on September 18, 2024, the “Terehova” border crossing point (BCP) and the Customs Dogs Training Center of the State Revenue Service (SRS) in Rēzekne were visited by the Ambassadors of Norway and Iceland to Latvia, representatives of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in […]

On September 17th, 2024, the Ministry of the Interior, as the programme operator of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime”, organized the last joint meeting of the Cooperation Committee and the Project Monitoring Board. The meeting discussed the results achieved by the programme, as well as measures […]

The Ministry of the Interior invites media representatives to a press conference on September 17, 2024, at 2:00 PM. The event will provide an overview of the achievements made in strengthening crime prevention capabilities under the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 program “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime”. Participants at the press conference […]

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has successfully completed a three-year project, co-funded by the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants, aimed at supporting the establishment of a whistleblowing system in Latvia. The project aimed to encourage public participation in reporting corruption and other latent crimes, while providing citizens with a secure and convenient reporting […]

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and the national project partner, Latvijas Banka, have successfully implemented the European Economic Area (EEA) Grants project “Improvement of employees’ knowledge in combating money laundering in Latvia.” The project provided extensive and international knowledge exchange opportunities through in-person and online training, experience-sharing visits, and conferences. Under the EEA Grants, the […]

Representatives from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) gained experience from Italian law enforcement and anti-corruption agencies. KNAB representatives learned about the agencies’ experience in detecting and investigating corruption crimes, identifying criminal assets, conducting parallel financial investigations, strategic and tactical analysis, and other topics related to the field of analytics. “Experience shows that the […]

Thanks to the EEA Grants funding, in March and April 2024, one forensic expert had the opportunity to enhance qualifications through an internship at the Estonian Forensic Science Institute. Meanwhile, two other experts were able to participate in the annual meeting of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) Shoeprint and Toolmark (SPTM) Working […]

Representatives from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) visited the Slovak Anti-corruption Authority. During the experience exchange visit, KNAB representatives learned about the Slovak Anti-corruption Authority’s experience in handling whistleblower reports, as well as familiarized themselves with the mechanisms for protecting whistleblowers and the reporting platform. The experience exchange visit was implemented with the […]

On April 25th and 26th, 2024 experts of the Latvijas Banka Anti-Money Laundering Department participated in an experience sharing visit to the supervisory authorities in Cyprus. During a visit to Central Bank of Cyprus, experts discussed the data and tools used for information analysis in the risk assessment of ML/TF as well as the risks […]

On April 25, 2024, a closing conference was held dedicated to the EEA Grants programme’s “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” project No. EEZ/VP/2020/1 “Support to the State Police for increasing effectiveness and quality of economic crime investigation in Latvia”. The goal of this project was to make the prevention and combating of economic crimes […]

The EEA Grants 2014-2021 programme’s co-funded project “Promoting cooperation between law enforcement authorities in preventing and combating economic crime in Latvia” was successfully completed on April 30, 2024. Within the framework of the project, a unified digital intelligence environment has been created, which already enables data exchange between the State Revenue Service (SRS) Tax and […]

From April 15th to 19th, 2024 forensic experts from the Norwegian National Criminal Investigation Service, KRIPOS, visited the State Forensic Science Bureau. During the visit, Latvian and Norwegian forensic experts are working on implementing new research procedures in the field of color and polymer material analysis and continuing work on creating a database for the […]

On April 17, 2024, a closing event was held for the project “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” within the framework of the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 program “International police cooperation and combating crime”. During the event, Raimonds Apinis, Deputy Director of the […]

On 17 and 18 April, 30 supervision experts, auditors, as well as financial and risk analysts specialising in the field of anti-money laundering and countering terrorism and proliferation financing (AML/CTPF), and representing Latvijas Banka and the Financial Intelligence Unit, expand their knowledge on supervising crypto-asset service providers under the guidance of Michal Gromek, an international […]

With the support of EEA Grants, representatives of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) were able to participate in the annual OECD Global Forum on Anti-Corruption and Integrity held in Paris. The forum covered a range of topics, including mechanisms to strengthen integrity and the role of the private sector in combating corruption. A […]

To inform entrepreneurs about the practical changes in sanctions enforcement from April 2024, such as which sanctions issues will fall under the supervision of the Financial Intelligence Unit, what information will be available on the website, and how to obtain permission to apply exceptions provided for in the sanctions regulations, the Financial Intelligence Unit […]

The Ministry of Welfare, within the framework of the EEA Grants programme’s Bilateral Cooperation Fund initiative and the project “Support for Barnahus implementation in Latvia” successfully organized the international conference “Children’s House – the best for children and professionals.” During the international conference, participants received an overview of the implementation of the Children’s House model […]

On 19 March 2024, the international conference “Making Sanctions Work: The Way Forward in 2024” was held in Riga, gathering over 100 participants in person and around 900 online. The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Latvia hosted the conference in cooperation with the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) at RUSI and the Latvian Institute for […]

Since 2020, the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 programme’s project “Support to the State Police for increasing effectiveness and quality of economic crime investigation in Latvia” (project number EEZ/VP/2020/1) has organized numerous trainings and study visits. The aim of these activities was not only to enhance the professional knowledge of employees but also to […]

To strengthen cooperation between law enforcement agencies in the prevention and combatting of economic crimes, the State Revenue Service (SRS) in collaboration with the State Police is developing a unified criminal intelligence data exchange system. This unified data exchange system will include data analytics tools and a digital support system that will be connected to […]

Within the framework of the EEA Grants project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event”, representatives of the State Forensic Science Bureau visited the Forensic Criminalistics Laboratory of the Lithuanian Forensic Medicine Service on March 4th and 5th, 2024. During the experience exchange program, the […]

On 14 February, 2024, the last experience exchange and training visit in the field of environmental crime took place in cooperation with the Norwegian National Authority for the Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (ØKOKRIM). Starting from 30 May 2023, training visits took place almost every month within the framework of the Economic […]

On February 19 and 20, 2024, forensic experts specializing in road traffic accident investigation from the State Forensic Science Bureau participated in an experience-sharing visit to the Norwegian National Criminal Investigation Service (KRIPOS). During the visit, the experts learned about the Norwegian experts’ experience in investigating over 200 crimes using 3D scanning and data visualization […]

Valuable exchange of best practices with Latvijas Banka fellow professionals from other countries: in the beginning of 2024 the experts of Latvijas Banka Anti-money Laundering Department together with Kristine Černaja-Mežmale, Member of the Council of Latvijas Banka, visited Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) and Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) – France. The […]

A public opinion poll conducted by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) reveals that 80% of residents and 78% of businesses would not be willing to bribe a public official to achieve a desired outcome. Results from KNAB’s public opinion polls over the past three years indicate that the negative attitude of residents and […]

As part of the EEA Grants project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” the State Police has acquired eight vehicles: four “Peugeot Expert,” four “Renault Traffic,” as well as four trailers designed to transport mobile inspection units to crime scenes. From now on, forensic […]

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia (FIU Latvia) is implementing the European Economic Area (EEA) project “Improvement of Employee Knowledge in Combating Money Laundering in Latvia”, which provides extensive training and knowledge exchange opportunities. In 2023, a number of activities have been implemented to improve knowledge in anti-money laundering and other areas such as data […]

Within the framework of the EEA Grants project No. EEZ/LM/2020/5 “Support for Barnahus implementation in Latvia” (hereinafter – the Project), the Children’s House (Barnahus) service continues to be developed. To ensure the substantive planning of the service’s activities, and in particular to improve the quality of child interviews within the criminal process, both in terms […]

On December, 28, 2023 a seminar on the problems of investigating economic crimes “Current events of financial investigations in law enforcement institutions in 2023” was held in the premises of the Investigator Training Center of the State Police College. The seminar was held within the framework of the project EEZ/VP/2020/1 “Support to the State Police […]

On 11 December 2023, the Ministry of the Interior, as the programme operator of the European Economic area (EEA) grants programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating crime”, organised a face-to-face meeting of the joint Cooperation Committee and the Project Monitoring Board. Within the framework of the meeting, the progress of the programme and further activities of […]

Within the framework of the EEA Grants 2014-2021 programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” project “Support for Barnahus implementation in Latvia”, a team from the State Children’s Rights Protection Inspectorate’s Children’s House, along with two representatives from the State Police (Kurzeme and Zemgale regions), in cooperation with Nordic partners, embarked on a study visit […]

Thanks to EEA and Norwegian grants funding, 35 experts from the State Forensic Science Bureau of the Republic of Latvia expanded their knowledge and increased their competence through participation in 22 events, of which: The expansion of knowledge and the increasing of competence took place between 2022 and 2023 under the EEA grants programme “International […]

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia (FIU Latvia) is implementing the European Economic Area (EEA) project “Improvement of Employee Knowledge in Combating Money Laundering in Latvia”, which provides extensive training opportunities for FIU Latvia employees. In order to strengthen management skills, the Head of FIU Latvia – Toms Platacis, attended the Strategic Leadership Program at […]

As part of the implementation of activity 3.2.5 of the EEA Grants project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” Zigismunds Ganuļevičs, Head of the Thanatology Department and Senior Forensic Medical Expert, Jūlija Truskovska, Forensic Medical Expert of the Thanatology Department, Juris Ivulāns, Head of […]

On November 23, 2023 an international seminar was held in Riga on the issues of combating economic crime called “Digital Forensic Science Seminar – Most successful techniques for searching artifacts”. The seminar looked at current trends and innovations in digital forensics, bringing together in one place the most knowledgeable industry experts from various law enforcement […]

Last week, on 28 November, the international seminar “Current Events of Combating Fraud of Structural Funds of the European Union” was held. The seminar covered not only the current events of the field, but also the main problematic issues, trends and observations at the local and international level. The seminar was organized by the officials […]

In mid-October of 2023 ten managers of the Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia (FIU) completed six weeks of intensive training at the Harvard Kennedy School, taking the course “Leadership and Ethics: Moral Leadership in Personal Practice”. FIU managers studied intensive the course in video lectures and in text format, in business-case, individual work and group […]

Representatives of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) attended the 22nd Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly of the European Partners against Corruption (EPAC) and the European contact-point network against corruption (EACN) in Dublin, the capital of Ireland. The 22nd Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly took place on November 2 and 3. The […]

On 19 and 20 October, 2023 the seminar “Virtual currencies from the perspective of investigation” was held, where current events related to virtual currencies in criminal proceedings were discussed. The purpose of the seminar was to educate employees of the State Police and prosecutors about the basics of transaction tracking and promote in-depth understanding of […]

As part of the implementation of activity 3.2.5 of the EEA Grants project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” Zigismunds Ganuļevičs, Head of the Thanatology Department and Senior Forensic Medical Expert, Jūlija Truskovska, Forensic Medical Expert of the Thanatology Department, Juris Ivulāns, Head of […]

A Children’s house shall be the support of specialists accessible under one roof to children victims of sexual violence and their non-violent relatives in order to ensure gentle treatment as part of the investigation and access to the justice system, to avoid re-traumatizing by repeatedly telling various specialists what happened, and to provide psychosocial support […]

A series of practical seminars for investigators of the State Police regional administrations in the field of economic crime investigation has started – “Investigation of cases of money laundering and the possibilities of recovery of criminally acquired funds in practice”. The seminar was organized by the officials of the State Police Economic Crime Combatting Department […]

In order to strengthen co-operation of law enforcement authorities in preventing and combating economic crimes, the State Revenue Service (SRS) in co-operation with the State Police shall develop a common system for the exchange of criminal intelligence data. The single data exchange system will include a data digital analytics tool and a digital support system […]

As part of the EEA grants project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” the Director of the Forensic Medical Examination Department of the State Forensic Science Bureau (hereinafter – the Centre) and Senior Forensic Medical Expert, Jolanta Vamze-Liepiņa, Forensic Medical Expert of the Thanatology […]

From 13 August to 16 August and from 3 September to 6 September 2023, 2 practical training sessions were conducted within the framework of professional training — “Identifying disaster victims” implemented under the EEA grants programme “International police cooperation and combating crime” project EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening forensic system and site inspection capacity”. The Ministry of the […]

As part of EEA Grants project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” experts from the Forensic Laboratory of the State Forensic Science Bureau participated in training from September 10th to September 16th, 2023. The training took place in Nieuw-Vennep, Netherlands, and was organized by […]

Informational campaign “CORRUPTION SUFFOCATES! Report by using the KNAB app” has ended. The campaign was carried out by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia with the support of the European Economic Area grants from Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. The campaign was carried out from 8 until 29 September, 2023. The campaign aimed to […]

On 25 and 26 September 2023, the State Forensic Science Bureau of Latvia was visited by forensic experts from the Norwegian national Criminal investigation Service KRIPOS. During the visit, experts from the State Forensic Science Bureau of Latvia and Norwegian forensic experts shared knowledge and experience in color research and continued work on creating a […]

The Financial Intelligence Unit is implementing the European Economic area (EEA) project, which provides extensive training opportunities for the staff. Taking into consideration the rapid development of technology, and hence the complex and global nature of financial crime, knowledgeable and highly qualified professionals are a value, especially in the field of prevention of money laundering, […]

The social campaign will open on September 8, 2023 at 11.00. The opening event of the campaign will take place in the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia (4 th floor), Aspazijas Boulevard 5, Riga. It will also be possible to watch the event online – on KNAB Facebook account and portal The participants of the campaign launch event will include: […]

From 28 to 29 August, 2023 a delegation from the State Police Economic Crime Combatting Department (ECCD) 1st Division, consisting of senior investigators and operational employees, visited the headquarters of Europol and Eurojust as part of the experience exchange visit. The objectives of the visit were to improve knowledge of the structures, mandates, cooperation platforms […]

On August 30, 2023, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau held a discussion exchange “Fraud in relations and corruption in society – coincidence or logical continuation?”. In the discussion, experts in the fields of anti-corruption, etc. discussed whether there was a connection between dishonesty in private life and tolerance to corruption in the country. Experts […]

Cynologists from the Customs Administration of the State Revenue Service (SRS) continued to expand their professional knowledge and skills in an intensive training in Finland this month. The week-long training was held in Imatra and was attended by five representatives of the Cynologists Department of the SRS Customs Administration, instructors and cynologists with their dogs, […]

Connect and listen to a discussion about the introduction of the planned Barnahus or the Child’s Home model in Latvia. The nature of Barnahus, or the Child’s Home, is a new kind of approach to inter-institutional and inter-disciplinary cooperation between specialists in cases where children have suffered from or become witnesses to violence. The discussion will take place today, August 17, 2023, at 20:00 within the […]

SJSC “State Real Estate” (SRE) informs that work on the construction of the Cynology Center in Rezekne has been resumed, which will ensure optimal working conditions and improved training opportunities for customs cynologists for work dogs, informs the SRE. Delays in construction were the result of a lengthy review and modification of the project following […]

In July 2023, the reconstruction of premises for the State Police at Stabu Street 89 and Bruņinieku Street 72B, in Riga, started within the framework of the project No. EEZ/VP/2020/1 “Support to the State Police for Acceleration and Quality Improvement of Investigation of Economic Crimes in Latvia”. The project is implemented by the State Police […]

On July 6th, 2023, Ministry of the Interior of Latvia held its 11th Cooperation Committee meeting of the EEA programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” (Programme). The meeting was hosted by the Council of Europe, Programme’s International Partner Organisation, and opened by Mr Claus Neukirch, Director of Programme Co-ordination Directorate of the Council of […]

Within the EEA programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7, practical training sessions for the improvement of professional skills during the period from 15 May to 25 May 2023 were conducted for the inspection of the fire crime scene and the fixing of feet, concluding this project activity. This spring, 29 forensic […]

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) held a discussion on sanctions issues at the Conversational festival LAMPA 2023 in the interior sector tent “Human Security” on June 10, 2023. The discussion “How the sanction affects each of us” was chaired by Mr. Paulis Iļjenkovs, head of the FIU Strategic analysis Division, and was attended by representatives […]

From May 30 to June 1, 2023, representatives from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau during a study visit acquired the experience of the Danish National Police in the adoption and processing of internal whistleblowing system reports. The visit was carried out within the framework of the project “Support for the establishment of a whistleblowing […]

From 30 May 2023 until February 2024 the State Police Central Criminal Police Department Economic Crime Combatting Department (ECCD) together with the Norwegian National Economic and Environmental Crime Investigation and Criminal Prosecution Institution (ØKOKRIM) have initiated educating activities of employees of law enforcement institutions in the field of combatting the environmental crimes. The exchange of […]

On 26 May and 29 May, 2023 a practical two days workshop “On the Imitation of the Criminally Acquired Property Proceedings: from the FIU Report to Court Proceedings Imitation” took place in the State Police. It was organized with the aim to enable acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in relation to the cases […]

Last Thursday, on 25 May, a seminar “Strengthening of the Public Information Space within the Geopolitical Realia. Combating and Investigation of the Distribution of the Illegal Audiovisual Contents” took place during which scientific and practical aspects within the investigation and combating of the illegal contents were reviewed, as well as special attention was paid to […]

The Financial Intelligence unit’s of Latvia (FIU Latvia) Conference on the Future Framework of Crypto Assets took place on the 18th of May in Riga, National Library of Latvia. The conference gathered experts, thought leaders and practitioners from around the world to share their insights and experiences in navigating the complex world of crypto assets. […]

On May 17 and May 18, 2023, representatives from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau visited the Polish Anti-Corruption Service to exchange data analytics experience. The purpose of the visit was to gain an understanding of the methods, tools and practices used by the Polish Anti-Corruption Service in big data analysis as well as tactical […]

Last week the delegation of the State Police visited one of the leading investigation institutions for combating the economic crimes in the European Union – Guardia di Finanza in Rome, Italy. This law enforcement institution specializes in the fields of investigation of fraud related to the funds of the European Union funds, tax fraud and […]

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia is organising an international event “FIU Conference on Crypto Assets 2023: Shaping the Future Framework” in Riga, Latvia, on the 18th of May, 2023. More specifically, the conference is going to look into the variety of approaches presented globally towards crypto asset regulation and policy. Representatives from numerous jurisdictions […]

Within the framework of the project “Support for the introduction of Barnahus in Latvia” of the EEA grants programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime”, the Ministry of Welfare implemented an international activity: “Publication of a report prepared by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on a child-friendly justice system in Latvia”. The […]

On 22 and 23 March this year Cybercrime Combatting Department of the State Police for the first time in Latvia organized an international conference on current events in combatting and investigating cybercrimes. The conference took place within the framework of the project EEZ/VP/2022/1 “Support to the State Police for acceleration and quality improvement of investigation […]

On March 2 and March 3, 2023, the representatives from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau visited number of Iceland’s institutions for an exchange visit, the scope of which concerns financial investigations and analysis. Officials from the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau met during the visit the representatives from the prosecutor’s office, police, the Financial […]

On 6 and 7 February 2023, the State Forensic Science Bureau of Latvia was visited by forensic experts from the Norwegian National Criminal investigation Service KRIPOS. During the visit, experts from Norway and experts from the State Forensic Science Bureau of Latvia shared knowledge and experience in the field of research into the ink of […]

On 27 January of the current year the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and the Embassy of Norway had a special visit to the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the State Police. The purpose of the visit was to establish the results achieved, progress and future activities of […]

The report of the study conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on the cooperation and coordination mechanism between the State Police Departments and other institutions involved in the investigation of economic crimes has been published. The study evaluates the progress achieved so far in Latvia in the field of combatting of […]

On 1 February, the Ministry of the Interior hosted an informal visit by representatives of Norwegian law enforcement authorities to discuss potential inter-institutional cooperation between Norwegian and Latvian investigative authorities to strengthen the capacity to investigate environmental crimes in Latvia. In response to the offer of cooperation made by the Norwegian National Police Directorate to […]

On Monday, 12 December, a seminar on combating economic crime “Data Flow Analysis” took place. The seminar was organized by the State Police and implemented within the framework of the European Economic area grant 2014-2021 programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” project No.EEZ/VP/2020/1 “Support to the State Police for increasing effectiveness and quality of economic crime […]

The conference on a financial system without dirty money “Preventing and Combating Money Laundering”, organized within the framework of the European Economic Area financial instrument 2014-2021 period programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” project No.EEZ/VP/2020/1 “Support to the State Police for increasing effectiveness” by the State Police and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Latvia, […]

June 17th this year, the Ministry of the Interior signed an agreement with the Ministry of Justice on a project that will serve as a springboard for the reform of the forensic examination institution in Latvia and which envisages the establishment of a single State Forensic Examination Centre under the Ministry of Justice, merging the […]

On May 19th & 20th, 2022, the Ministry of the Interior along Royal Norwegian Embassy, Council of Europe and EEA Grant Financial Mechanism Office representatives, as well as project promoters (State Police, State Revenue Service, Financial Intelligence Unit, Ministry of Justice, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau and Ministry of Welfare) looked at the achieved results, […]

On 27 January, 2022, the Cooperation Committee of the European Economic Area (EEA) grant programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” held a meeting to discuss strengthening law enforcement capacity, including the introduction of 3D scanning in crime scene investigation. This year Latvian forensic experts will be trained in Latvia and Norway in 3D scanning […]

How will Latvia’s Barnahus model look like? Answer to this and to other children’s rights protection questions are going to be explored within European Economic Area grant programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” project “Support for Barnahus implementation in Latvia” seminar “Together” organised by the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia in […]

The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia under the European Economic area grant 2014-2021 (EEA grants) programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” (Programme) seventh project “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of […]

On 16th of June 2021, by remote video conference, during the 7th Cooperation Committee meeting EEA Grants 2014–2021 programme “International Police Cooperation and Fight against Crime” (Programme) recent developments and achievements were discussed with key Programme stakeholders, as well as a renewed plan of Bilateral Cooperation Fund initiatives was approved. The Ministry of the Interior, […]

On June 1st, 2021, International Children’s Day, an online strategic discussion “Children 2025” took place with initiation from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia. During the event, insights into the importance of protecting children’s rights were discussed, including orphan court reform, implementation of the principle of the […]

A public opinion poll conducted by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) shows that one in five residents and entrepreneurs tolerate giving bribes to state or municipal officials, similarly acknowledging making informal payments, giving gifts or using personal contacts over the past two years to deal with a variety of professional or domestic situations. […]

The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia as the EEA Grants 2014-2021 Programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” Operator has actively worked towards successful implementation of the Programme. During the last quarter, the Programme Operator has focused on work towards approving the last two pre-defined projects of the Programme, activating formal and […]

On February 25th, 2021 first ever EEA Grant 2014-2021 programme “International police cooperation” (hereinafter – Programme) Project Monitoring Board meeting was held, which is one of the most imperative instruments to ensure successful project implementation monitoring and give stakeholders an official framework to share experience, examples of goods practice and challenges. During the meeting, […]

On 18th of February 2021 an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia on the implementation of project “Support for Barhanus Implementation in Latvia”. The aim of the project is to create a one-stop support agency for child victims […]

On December 14th, 2020 a videoconference of the Cooperation Committee of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” took place to discuss the latest developments and the progress of the programme, as well as the conceptual approval of the Fund for Bilateral Relations activities plan. The Ministry of the […]

The programme International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime benefits from a 15 000 000 € grant through the European Economic Area Grants 2014-2021 and 2 647 059 € as national co-financing. The aim of the programme International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime is to improve crime prevention and investigation in Latvia. As of December 2020, […]

On November 12th and 13th, 2020 State Police organized an online seminar “Criminal law norm and criminal procedure interpretation methodology peculiarities: methods of interpretation and application”. The goal of the seminar was to give its participants theoretical and practical knowledge, academic findings and practical techniques in the field of economic crime investigation about criminal law […]