The EEA and Norway Grants have a no-tolerance policy on corruption and mismanagement.
They follow a policy of good governance, and their implementation is founded on the principles of openness, transparency and accountability.
In case you suspect any mismanagement of funds, conflict of interest or corruption, please share your concerns with the Financial Mechanism Office, the National Focal Point – Ministry of Finance or any other agency responsible for the management of the grant scheme.
Your report will be treated confidentially. According to the Paragraph 9 of the Law on Submissions, it is prohibited to disclose information without the consent of the submitter of information revealing person’s identity. If the submitter does not want that the facts referred to in the submission are disclosed, person shall specify it in the submission.
We shall revert to you within 10 working days*.
Information may be submitted in person, in writing by post or e-mail to the following Latvian institutions:.
Address: Smilsu street 1, Riga, LV-1919
Address: Smilsu street 1, Riga, LV-1919
Address: Baznicas street 25, Riga LV-1010
Address: Brivibas Str. 104 block 2, Riga, LV 1001
Free Hotline Phone number: + 371 80 00 20 70
Information may be submitted in writing by post or e-mail also to the following Donorstate institution:
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway`s secretariat for the EEA and Norway Grants
Postal address:
Financial Mechanism Office
Rue Joseph II, 12-16
1000 Brussels
If you want to get advice before contacting any of the above institutions, feel free to contact the “Transparency International” National Chapter:
Citadeles street 8, Riga, LV1010, Latvia
Telephone: + 371 67285585
Fax: + 371 67285584
The complainant may submit an appeal about the decision made by the public institution in accordance with the procedure set in in the Administrative Procedure Act.
* According to timelines set in the Law on Submissions – the institution shall respond to the application in a month (as maximum), if it isn’t stipulated otherwise. If the complaint is not in the competence of the particular institution it shall be transferred to an appropriate institution and the complainant should be informed within 7 working days.