Projects - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti


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Project Title Approval date Grant financing
INTEREST – INnovative TEchnologies for REcovery of valuable compounds from agri-food and seafood side STreams for food applications 29.08.2023 42 500 €
Strategic initiative to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation in microplastic pollution field 05.09.2023 42 484 €
The project application with the provisional title “Sustainable and innovative technologies for better utilisation of by-products” development 17.08.2023 48 737 €
Preparation of a joint project application on lake restoration in the Baltic states (LakeRest) 21.06.2023 51 000 €
Project development for active control of thermochemical conversion of regional biomass resources with improved quality of produced energy and increase of European climate neutrality (BioTech) 21.06.2023 51 000 €
Staff mobility between Riga Stradins University and University of Iceland to establish scientific collaboration in the nutrition field 08.09.2022 10 812 €
Student`s mobility to EEA countries 2 01.09.2022 12 283 €
Promoting collaboration for sustainable and circular use of bioresources across agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture (CIRCLE) 30.09.2021 862 090 €
Fostering Innovation by Sharing and Learning Best International Practice 11.10.2021 99 875 €
Promotion of healthy ageing, welfare and social security 23.09.2021 72 577 €