Projects - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti


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Project Title Approval date Grant financing
Latvia Ready to Adopt Norway’s Experience in Green Hydrogen Development
Development of a tool for the preparation and processing of graphical information for construction process, based on IFC models 20.06.2023 21 888 €
Establishment of extruded foam (XPS) board factory 19.04.2023 509 935 €
Development of new manufacturing technology for the milling equipment of the end connections of wooden canvas frames 19.05.2023 71 889 €
Property management digital guide 24.05.2023 53 499 €
Introduction of new products into the production with an aim to reduce environmental impact and to promote the efficient use of natural resources 20.05.2023 485 010 €
Increasing the energy efficiency of compressed air production equipment 09.12.2022 49 444 €
“RaceTribe” – a comprehensive e-platform for sports competitions with integration of BLE tehnology 01.12.2022 55 734 €
Development of a data-based mobility planning tool 16.11.2022 87 941 €
Online Design Studio and Product Customisation Terminal 11.11.2022 93 598 €