
Donor States: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein
The responsible institution of Grants, which serves as a contact point between the Donor states and 15 Beneficiary states (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia). Financial Mechanism Office elaborates guidelines, regulations as well as ensures monitoring, control and evaluation of Grants.
National Focal point (Ministry of Finance): ensures the achievement of Grants’ objectives in Latvia and overall management and monitoring of programmes approved by Donor states.
Certification Authority (State Treasury): checks and certifies expenditures included in the financial reports as well as submits to Donor states certified financial reports and forecasts of likely payment application.
Audit Authority (Ministry of Finance/EU Funds Audit Department): performs audits of the management and control systems established by the Beneficiary state and the Programme Operators confirming systems’ compliance with Regulation and generally accepted accounting principles. As well as Audit Authority carries out projects’ audit, prepares audit strategy and ensures monitoring of implementation of audit recommendations.
Procurement Monitoring Bureau: ensures ex-ante checks on the sample basis for the public procurement documentation and procurement procedure of the projects and predefined projects as well as develops methodology for ex-ante procurement checks.
Programme Operators (Line ministries): are responsible for preparation and implementation of the programme, organizing open calls and selection of projects, as well as monitors projects approved in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Programme Operators in Latvia are: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Ministry of Education and Science and Latvian Investment and Development Agency.