In order to strengthen co-operation of law enforcement authorities in preventing and combating economic crimes, the State Revenue Service (SRS) in co-operation with the State Police shall develop a common system for the exchange of criminal intelligence data. The single data exchange system will include a data digital analytics tool and a digital support system that will be connected to the State Police database. Information analysts and task experts will be prepared to work with the system.
Currently, the component of the National Criminal Intelligence Model support system – the data analysis system is installed and operates in the production environment. Work has started on the development of data exchange with the information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior.
According to the timetable for implementation of the project, work has been started on the development of data exchange with the information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior.
Two tender procedures for training activities of experts on specific tasks have been almost completed. Applicants have been selected, missing funding has been found to save funds within the overall project, as well as draft training contracts have been harmonised. It is planned to start these studies by the end of this year.
This is one of two projects of the programme “International police cooperation and fight against crime” co-financed by the European Economic Area grants 2014-2021 implemented by the SRS.
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