A Children’s house shall be the support of specialists accessible under one roof to children victims of sexual violence and their non-violent relatives in order to ensure gentle treatment as part of the investigation and access to the justice system, to avoid re-traumatizing by repeatedly telling various specialists what happened, and to provide psychosocial support for the recovery of the child and to manage the consequences of the trauma. The Children’s House has a tailored and child-friendly environment and its principles include the creation and implementation of a child-centered interdisciplinary model. In the Children’s House, consultative support is also provided to specialists in different fields, especially employees of social services and Orphan’s courts, as well as training of specialists for work with children victims of violence will be organized.
The Children’s House in Latvia has been created thanks to the financing of the European Economic area grants within the framework of the programme “International Police Cooperation and combatting crime”. The Ministry of the Interior is the programme operator of the abovementioned programme, while the Ministry of Welfare is the project promoter for the project “Support for implementation of Barnahus in Latvia”.
Photographer Patrick Hadjadj
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