As part of the EEA grants project No. EEZ/TM/2022/7 “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” the Director of the Forensic Medical Examination Department of the State Forensic Science Bureau (hereinafter – the Centre) and Senior Forensic Medical Expert, Jolanta Vamze-Liepiņa, Forensic Medical Expert of the Thanatology Department, Olga Fjodorova, Forensic Medical Expert of the Forensic Genetics and Serology Laboratory, Aleksandra Aļekperova, and Forensic Medicine Trainee of the Forensic Laboratory, Karīna Avišāne, participated in the international forensic medicine conference “XXVIII International Meeting on Forensic Medicine Alpa-Adria-Pannonia. Homicide, Suicide, or Accident?” held at the University of Udine in Italy from September 6th to September 10th, 2023.
The conference focused on the analysis of forensic medical examination cases, the challenges of conducting these examinations from both medical and legal perspectives, and statistical trends in the investigation of homicides, suicides, and accidents.
During the conference, the Centre’s representatives also participated in a meeting organized by the European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM) dedicated to educational matters titled “Legal and Forensic Medicine: The Future of Undergraduate Medical Teaching in Europe for Today’s Doctor in Practice,” where the results of a European survey on undergraduate education in forensic medicine were presented.
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