On 25 and 26 September 2023, the State Forensic Science Bureau of Latvia was visited by forensic experts from the Norwegian national Criminal investigation Service KRIPOS. During the visit, experts from the State Forensic Science Bureau of Latvia and Norwegian forensic experts shared knowledge and experience in color research and continued work on creating a database for pen ink research.
The visit took place within the framework of the project “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” of the EEA grants Programme “International Police Cooperation and Combatting Crime”.
The total funding of the project “Strengthening of the capacity of forensic system and inspection of the site of the event” is EUR 2 680 000, of which the EEA grant funding of 85% is EUR 2 278 000, while the national co-financing of 15% is EUR 402 000, complemented by the Bilateral fund of Norway in the amount of EUR 171 000.
The project will be implemented by 30 April 2024.
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