On November 24 and 25, year 2022, the Cooperation Committee meeting of the Climate and Environment Programme of the Norway Grants took place, during which the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MoEPRD) as the Programme Operator, together with the donor programme partner – the Norwegian Environment Agency, with related institutions, discussed the progress of the implementation of the programme and the most important issues. Also, site visit of the pre-defined projects and their respective partners was organized the day before the meeting.
Since the previous meeting of the Cooperation Committee in June of this year, the programme has successfully moved forward, and the projects have reached the phase of active implementation. The planned events of the programme and the next steps for the successful implementation of the programme were discussed at the meeting.
Project promoters of the pre-defined projects kindly welcomed the delegation of the Cooperation Committee to their project partners premises to introduce in depth to individual project activities. In the Academic Center of Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia (LU), the project “Enhancement of sustainable soil resource management in agriculture” implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture was visited, in which LU, as a project partner, presented the nuances of soil mapping field work, laboratory work and the further data processing process, which will allow improving information about the soil used in Latvian agriculture and to obtain information about carbon changes in the soil and country-specific greenhouse gas emission factors. Read more about the project here!
Next, we went to visit the State limited Liability Company “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center” (LEGMC), which is a partner of two of the programme’s projects. The activities implemented by the MoEPRD Climate Change Department of the project “Integration of climate change policy in sectoral and regional policies” were introduced, such as improvement of the national early warning system and forecasting of climate scenarios. Read more about the project here!
Likewise, within the framework of the project “Digital transformation of the contaminated site management model” implemented by the State Environmental Service, when visiting the LEGMC, it was possible to visit the archive of the State Geological Foundation of Latvia, where information about contaminated and potentially contaminated sites, has been stored for several decades. The information in the archive will be digitized and included in a modern system of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites. Read more about the project here!
At the end of the day, the Latvian National Museum of Nature was visited, where there was an opportunity to get acquainted with the diversity of nature in Latvia and the world, as well as learn about the museum’s educational work in the field of environmental awareness and protection.
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