The Science and Education Innovation Center Implements Teacher Training - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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The Science and Education Innovation Center Implements Teacher Training

In the Nature House, the training of the program “Ecotechnology for the improvement of the learning process” was organized in cooperation with Liepaja University’s experts – Dr. biol. Ieva Roze and natural science laboratory assistant Sintija Ozoliņa, but practical workshops were led by experts from the Jaermuseet regional museum. During the training, teachers gained an insight into the importance of ecotechnology in the future career choice of young people, as well as learned practical skills in outdoor research, using digital tools in the learning process and making composite materials from non-traditional materials. On the other hand, in the workshops led by the Norwegian partners, ideas were presented on how, using simple resources, it is possible to involve young people and encourage them to take part in environmental conservation.

In the Technology co-creation place, Autoru Street 4/6, on the first day of the teachers’ informal training “Digital production in education”, the main emphasis was placed on digital production equipment, their application and differences from traditional production. Educators participated in a master class led by Liepaja University expert Rogier Jupjin, where they learned the capabilities of the laser cutter and saw it in action. The knowledge gained in the master class was also applied practically by performing an educational task to see how the equipment can be used in the learning process. In addition, the participants gained an insight into the basic principles of design thinking by working practically with a creative task. At the end, the expert of Liepaja University, Uldis Žaimis, gave an educational lecture “Scientific research work in high school”, emphasizing practical research work in the high school stage.

On the second day of training, in the workshops conducted by Norwegian experts, a traffic light was developed with increasing complexity using the Micro:bit microcontroller. First, the participants programmed the operation of one light emitting diode, then all three of the traffic lights – red, yellow and green. Then, as a task of increased difficulty, it was to create a prototype of a traffic light stand from cardboard and program the operation of the LEDs according to how a traffic light works in a real environment. Finally, the most difficult task of the workshop can be considered the transition to the traffic light stand, which was developed using the laser cutting technique, and to solder light emitting diodes and resistors in the places provided by the electronic circuit.

In the Science and Education Innovation Center, informal learning programs for teachers are designed to promote knowledge development and students’ career choices in the field of STEM and environmental sciences.

The teacher training is being realized within the project “Development of the Innovation Centre in Liepaja City” that is funded by the European Economic Area and the Norway grant programme “Research and Education”.  Its total cost is EUR 986 049.00, of which EUR 754 327.40 is co-financing of the Norwegian Grants, EUR 133 116.60 is co-financed by the State budget of Latvia and EUR 98 605.00 by Liepaja City Municipality.   

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