Programme | Local Development and Culture |
Selection | Open project |
Competition title | Atklātais konkurss “Atbalsts profesionālās mākslas un kultūras produktu radīšanai bērnu un jauniešu auditorijai” |
Donorstate/international project partner | Apagon AS, Norway (; |
Project national Nr. | EEZ/2021/1/17 |
GrACE project Nr. | LV-LOCALDEV-0013 |
Contract No. | 4.3.1-4 |
Contract Date | 30.12.2021 |
Project title | Youth film masterclasses and teachers' education |
Project promoter | SIA „Kinoteatris Bize” ( |
Start of project eligibility | 01.01.2022 |
Project end | 30.06.2023 |
Total eligible costs | 210 309.00€ |
Grant financing | 150 890.73€ |
National co-financing | 26 627.77€ |
Project promoter co-financing | 32 790.50€ |
Project status | In implementation |
Project goal/description | Kino Bize is active in providing regular children and youth programming. A fundamental part of it is audiovisual education and young audience development. To attract and involve children and youth, it is important to work closely with the adults (parents, teachers) who suggest or bring the young spectators to the cinema therefore we have to contribute to the audiovisual education of teachers and adults that would allow to improve their understanding of the everpresent importance of films, videos, clips not only in their everyday life but also in the development and personal growth of the young audiences.
To continue the ongoing work with the young audiences during last couple of years and achieve these goals, as part of the project “Youth film masterclasses and teachers' education” Kino Bize will implement educational course for teachers during which we will collectively design Kino Bize Home Cinema new platform for school screenings with additional film educational materials in order for teachers to be able to enrich film screenings with educational texts, videos and activities; as well as in cooperation with Apagon AS from Bergen, Norway we will implement youth filmmaking masterclasses (from 11 to 16 years of age) in Riga and regions of Latvia. The cinema lectures for teachers and youth masterclasses will be available onsite and online to be able to easily adapt to governmental health restrictions and to reach the interested teachers and youngsters regardless of their place of residence or access.
The result of the project:
We will provide a new 12 lectures educational course for teachers from primary and secondary schools in Riga and regions of Latvia (onsite and online) about cinema history and language, significant cinema styles and movements. The lectures will be led by cinema and semiotics professors, filmmakers and film critics. The teachers’ course will be designed by Kino Bize team in collaboration with cinema professor, researcher Daniela Zacmane.
During the teachers educational programme we will collectively create new film educational materials for youth (30 packs of materials), as well as new online platform on Kino Bize Home Cinema page where teachers together with their pupils will be able to watch Latvian, European films and use available film educational materials to enrich the film watching experience with in depth links to cinema history and related interdisciplinary themes.
In collaboration with the company Apagon AS from Bergen, Norway we will provide newly created cinema theory and filmmaking masterclasses (24 onsite and 2 online) for youth from 11 to 16 years of age from Riga and regions of Latvia, including educational materials, lectures and required filmmaking equipment. |
Implementation place | Visa Latvija |
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