Programme | Research and Education |
Selection | Open project |
Competition title | Third project call of Baltic Research programme |
National project partner | Latvian Academy of Sport Education |
Donorstate/international project partner | Oslo University Hospital (Norway), National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (Estonia), National Cancer Institute (Lithuania) |
Project national Nr. | EEA-RESEARCH-164 |
GrACE project Nr. | LV-RESEARCH-0006 |
Contract No. | EEZ/BPP/VIAA/2021/2, 29.04.2021. |
Contract Date | 29.04.2021 |
Project title | Exploring the molecular mechanisms behind the effects of physical exercise on breast cancer prevention (CancerBeat) |
Project promoter | Latvian Biomedical Research And Study Centre |
Start of project eligibility | 01.05.2021 |
Project end | 30.04.2024 |
Total eligible costs | 1 000 000.00€ |
Grant financing | 875 500.00€ |
National co-financing | 154 500.00€ |
Project status | In implementation |
Project goal/description | The project aims to study the molecular content of extracellular vesicles (EVs) formed during exercise and the effect of EV on the growth of breast cancer in vitro and in vivo.
The results of the project (i) will provide a better understanding of the role of physical activity in tumour prevention and promote the inclusion of evidence-based regular physical activity in both cancer treatment plans and people's daily lives; (ii) biomarkers will be identified to help determine the optimal type, intensity and frequency of exercise; (iii) new potential targets for anti-cancer therapy will be identified. During the project, 8 scientific publications will be prepared, the results will be presented at 9 international conferences, as well as several public information events will be implemented. The total cost of the project is EUR 1030000.00, of which EUR 875500.00 is co-financing from European Economic Area financial instrument and EUR 154500.00 is National co-finding.
Implementation place | Visa Latvija |
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