The programme International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime benefits from a 15 000 000 € grant through the European Economic Area Grants 2014-2021 and 2 647 059 € as national co-financing. The aim of the programme International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime is to improve crime prevention and investigation in Latvia.
As of December 2020, four out of six pre-defined project agreements – Promoting cooperation between law enforcement authorities in preventing and combating economic crime in Latvia; Preventing and combating economic crime at the Border Crossing Point Terehova; Support for the establishment of a whistle-blowing system in Latvia; Support to the State Police for increasing effectiveness and quality of economic crime investigation in Latvia – have been signed between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia as the Programme Operator and the various Programme Promoters and most funds or roughly 13 million out of 15 million euros have been awarded.
Main programme areas are international police cooperation and combating crime and domestic and gender-based violence with a focus on combating economic crime and on strengthening child-friendly justice. Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia as the Programme Operator is responsible for the implementation of the programme management and control system. Project Promoters within the programme include the State Police, the State Revenue Service, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, the Ministry of Welfare and the Financial Intelligence Unit.
Overall, within the programme, six pre-defined projects are implemented:
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