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Capacity of institutions to prevent and combat economic crime in Latvia will be strengthened
On December 4, 2019, the Agreement of Programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” (hereinafter – Programme) was signed between the Ministry of Finance (as National Focal Point) and the Financial Mechanism Office.
- The aim of the Programme is institutional capacity strengthening for preventing and combating economic crime in Latvia, as well as inter-agency cooperation improvement to ensure that child victims of violence or witnesses of it are working in a child-friendly manner in Latvia – implementing Barnahus model.
- Implementing 6 projects within the framework of the Programme the following results will be achieved:
- Enhanced law enforcement cooperation in preventing and combating economic crime, developed a common IT system and train law enforcement staff
- Improved infrastructure for preventing and combating economic crime at the Terehova border crossing point, trained Customs officers of the State Revenue Service, State Border Guard, Food and Veterinary Service and improved training infrastructure for the Customs Dog Service by establishing a “dog training laboratory”
- Established of an online reporting platform, as well as public awareness campaigns, educating the public on the development of a virtual whistle-blowing system and the protection of whistleblowers. Strengthened further training of the Corruption Prevention and Combating bureau officials in the prevention and combating of corruption
- Trained State Police officials for speeding up and improving the quality of economic crime investigation; improved material-technical infrastructure; carried out the analysis and improvement of the existing regulatory framework in cooperation with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and installed the analytical tool / software. Strengthen the capacity of the Forensic Science Department of the State Police through the introduction of modern state-of-the-art expertise, upgraded infrastructure and the acquisition of hardware in the areas of cybercrime and financial expertise
- Improved the knowledge of employees’ of the Financial Intelligence Unit and Financial and Capital Market Commission in the field of combating money laundering in Latvia
- Implemented Barnahus model in Latvia, adapting the premises, preparing proposals for the regulatory framework governing Barnahus’ activities. Trained staff involved in the provision of the service and realized awareness-raising campaigns
The total funding of the Programme is EUR 17 647 059. The EEA Grants allocation is 85% or EUR 15 000 000, while the national allocation is 15% or EUR 2 647 059. The Programme shall be implemented until 31th of December 2024.
The official Opening Event of the Programme took place in Riga on November 25th 2019 with the participation of officials from the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Financial Mechanism Office, Council of Europe, OECD, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Welfare, State Police, State Revenue Service, Corruption Prevention and Combating bureau, as well as Financial Intelligence Unit.