I am a researcher from Norway and I am working on a proposal for this call together with a Latvian partner. I have a question about the template for “Attachment 4 Research Proposal”. The template contains a table where only slightly more than half of the 5-page limit seems to be available for input from the applicants. Is it necessary to use the tables exactly as they are in the template, or is it allowed to reformat the document (as long as keeping to the requirements of font size 11 and less than 5 pages)?Download
The main actors should be at least one Norwegian and one Latvian institution. However, no information is available on the maximum numbers of partners allowed from single institutions. In our case, we are three partners from Nord University, Norway, and one Latvian partner from BIOR. Besides, two industrial partners with no economic retribution are appointed as well. Is this kind of consortium allowed without any further members from the remaining countries mentioned in the call?Download
From what I understand, the only purpose of the publicity plan is essential to acknowledge the source of funding to a wide audience? Should other purposes of dissemination (such as sharing the results with the scientific community to promote more research on the topic, or with industry to increase industrial innovation and economic opportunities) not to be included as part of the publicity plan?Download
SINTEF Energy and SINTEF Ocean are Norwegian partners in an application targeting the “3rd call for proposals under EEA Financial Mechanism Baltic Research Programme in Latvia”.
For this specific application, both organizations are required for addressing the competence and tasks proposed by the leading Baltic organization. We are both parts of the same research group but are always listed as separate entities in EU and Norwegian research funding applications. My understanding from reading the rules in the call and in the general EEA online sources is that there is no problem in having more than one partner from a single donor country. But I would like to have a confirmation that this is correct?Download
For this specific application, both organizations are required for addressing the competence and tasks proposed by the leading Baltic organization. We are both parts of the same research group but are always listed as separate entities in EU and Norwegian research funding applications. My understanding from reading the rules in the call and in the general EEA online sources is that there is no problem in having more than one partner from a single donor country. But I would like to have a confirmation that this is correct?Download
According to what we understand from the home page, if we are three partners (Latvian, Lithuanian, and Norwegian) we should apply only for 800K. However, on the EEA financial mechanism 2014-2021 guide (1.3. Allocation for projects) says 1000K EUR for applications with partners from both Estonia and Lithuania, and at least one from Donor state partner).
Can you clarify, please?Download
Can you clarify, please?Download
I would like to ask what is the best way to fulfil the detailed budget (call for Baltic research programme) for personnel costs for each partner as each partners salary in euro/h is different. Besides, in that case, units stand for euro/h, unit rate – for value like 25 (euro/h) and for what the costs are used as further the salaries are calculated for each partner separately and presented in total at the end of the table.Download