Within the framework of the EEA Grants project No. EEZ/LM/2020/5 “Support for Barnahus implementation in Latvia” (hereinafter – the Project), the Children’s House (Barnahus) service continues to be developed. To ensure the substantive planning of the service’s activities, and in particular to improve the quality of child interviews within the criminal process, both in terms of the victim’s treatment and the quality and reusability of the collected information, the NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Investigative Interview protocol) investigative interview protocol has been translated and adapted to the Latvian context.
To successfully implement the principles defined by NICHD, in cooperation with the foundation “Centrs Dardedze,” training was provided for law enforcement representatives (prosecutors), police officers (investigators), psychologists, and Children’s House staff. From November 1, 2023 to December 8, 2023, a total of 38 participants were trained in two training groups.
The aim of the training was to provide representatives of the aforementioned professions with the scientific basis and practical applicability of the NICHD investigative interview protocol to the Latvian cultural environment and criminal investigations, working with underage victims and witnesses, in order to ascertain information about possible criminal offenses experienced. On the last day of the training, participants were introduced to the facilities and operations of the Children’s House, and practical training with video recordings was provided.
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