To support the remediation of historically contaminated sites with a view to improving the quality of soil, ground, groundwater or surface water, restoring and improving the quality of the environment in and around contaminated sites and to prevent public health and environmental hazard.
The total programme budget available for projects within the Open Call amounts to EUR 11,000,000.
Programme co-financing available for one project:
– minimum: EUR 1,000,000
– maximum: EUR 4,350,000
Maximum project grant rate is 85% of the total eligible costs of the project. The project applicant shall provide own budget of at least 15% of the total eligible costs of the project.
The Open Call will support projects to clean up a historically polluted site where the “polluter pays” principle cannot be applied because the person responsible for contamination no longer exists and there is no direct successor of such a person, and the State or local authorities could not prevent such contamination. In addition to remediation work, the project must include a public awareness campaign including at least two public awareness events regarding topical climate and environmental issues.
The project implementation period and eligibility period for the costs shall not exceed 30 April 2024.
The eligible project applicant is a local government, direct or indirect administration institution, port authority or special economic zone authority, which is responsible for the port. Each project applicant may submit only one project proposal.
The project applicant shall implement the project alone or together with one or more project partners. The following may be involved in the implementation of the project as project partners, such as:
Evaluation of the project proposals shall be performed according with Annex 1 of 18 February 2020 Cabinet Regulation No. 93 “Regulations for the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 programme Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Environment” and carried out by a project selection committee formed by the Programme Operator. Based on the conclusion of the Selection Committee, the Programme Operator shall issue a decision on regarding the approval of the project proposal, regarding the approval of the project proposal with a condition or regarding the rejection of the project proposal within four months after the deadline for submission of project proposals.
The questions about the Open Call and preparation of the project proposal may be asked by sending them electronically to the e-mail address ( Answers the received questions will be given electronically within three business days after the receipt of the question, but not later than one business day before the deadline for submission of project proposals.
Frequently asked questions and answers will be available here
The project applicant shall submit the project proposal only in the form of an electronic document signed by a secure electronic signature containing a time stamp, using electronic mail, sending it to the e-mail address:
The Programme Operator has prepared an informative video on the most important requirements of the Open Call to help successfully participate in the Open Call and apply for Norway Grants support for the implementation of the project.
0:00 Start
3:18 Project applicant and project partner
4:52 Support for attracting Norwegian partners
6:20 Conditions for participation in the open call
8:08 Supported activities
10:08 Public awareness campaign
12:46 Eligible costs
16:09 Project application preparation, design and submission
18:01 Filling in the project application form
36:19 Attachments to Project application
40:50 Bilateral Cooperation Fund
43:47 Conclusion
More detailed information can be found in the Open Call documentation:
* Amendments have been made to point 25 of the Rules, changing the composition of selection committtee from three to five voting members, taking into account the addendum to the Programme Agreement.
Contact information for queries:
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
Investment Supervision Department
Project Monitoring Division
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