About programme - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Business Development

About programme

Programme operatorInvestment and Development Agency of Latvia
Donor programme
Innovation Norway
Funding/GrantTotal programme grant - EUR 14 705 882:
1) including Norway Grant EUR 12 500 000;
2) national co-financing EUR 2 205 882.
Contributed value creation and sustainable growth, by promoting the competitiveness of Latvia’s SMEs and by providing
support to entrepreneurs for the development and introduction into production of new, innovative products and
What to be achievedLatvia’s labor costs have risen faster than productivity, thus challenging the cost-competitiveness of entrepreneurs in
Latvia. As well as at the moment there is a significant lack of appropriate mechanisms to improve this business
environment. In order to achieve objectives, the programme will provide support to entrepreneurs through pre-defined
project, open call and small-scale grant schemes:
1) for development of innovative products and technologies with high added value, providing entrepreneurs with
consultations and cooperation with research institutions;
2) for development of welfare technologies, aiming to improve the integration of different groups of society by developing
tailored solutions that help to promote not only quality of life, but also safety and mobility;
3) the development of green innovation and ICT products and technologies, aiming to support the development of products
that reduce environmental impacts, promoting the digitization of businesses and the entry of modern digital solutions into
the market;
4) introducing green innovation and ICT products and technologies into the production process aiming to modernize the
development processes of new products and technologies, thereby contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts.
More information about the Programme.
Contact informationE-mail: nor.projekti@liaa.gov.lv
Phone: 67039465

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