On January 25th, 2022, with the participation of the Ambassador of Norway to Latvia Kristian Ødegaard, the implementation of two projects was started in the activity of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism’s open call “Application of green industry innovation and ICT products and technologies”. The event was held in green regime.
Within the framework of the project “INTRODUCTION OF AN INNOVATIVE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCT INTO PRODUCTION”, SIA “NDB TIMBER” will introduce a new product group into production. Namely, the use of wood waste / scrap in combination with a high-quality class A solid wood lamella will create a product that is comparable to a high-quality solid wood finishing material in terms of its physical and visual properties. The project will be implemented in the area of green industry innovation, as its implementation will result in a significant reduction of environmental impact. The reduction of the environmental impact after the introduction of the new technology will be ensured both in the choice of raw materials, in the production process and in the product life cycle. The production process will use low-value wood, the alternative use of which is heating. In turn, the company will use this wood to produce products with high added value. The Norwegian company has received grants in the amount of 599 932.02 EUR, the total project implementation costs amount to 1 111 191 EUR. The project will be developed in cooperation with the partner Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (Treteknisk).
In the project “Manufacturing of a high added-value new product for SIA “DLLA” with reduced environmental impact Norwegian Financial” SIA “DLLA” will develop and launch a new product – construction material for the production of wooden frame houses, which will be produced with a new, modern and energy-efficient timber processing line. Until now, the company has not had such an opportunity, because the cost of existing machines is too high to produce this product, and it was not technologically possible to ensure a high-quality and compliant production process. The new product will guarantee high added value and thus increase the company’s productivity. SIA “DLLA” has received grants from Norway in the amount of 371 138.40 EUR, the total project costs amount to 824 752 EUR. The project will be developed in cooperation with “SAGA WOOD” AS, Norway.
Norwegian Ambassador to Latvia Kristian Ødegaard praised not only the positive impact of both projects on increasing productivity in production facilities, but also the significant added value of projects in introducing green innovations in production: “Norway and Latvia are very similar in that our value is wood and forests. I am glad that here in Jēkabpils, with the support of Norway Grants, we can promote the growth of this sector, which is so close to us. The development of projects will be followed with interest and, hopefully, as a result of both projects, companies will experience rapid economic growth, as well as provide new jobs for the residents of Jēkabpils. ”
The implementation term of both projects is 24 months, the completion of the projects is planned for November 2023.
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