Programme | Research and Education |
Selection | Open project |
Competition title | Third project call of Baltic Research programme |
Donorstate/international project partner | SINTEF AS (Norway), Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia) |
Project national Nr. | EEA-RESEARCH-173 |
GrACE project Nr. | LV-RESEARCH-0011 |
Contract No. | EEZ/BPP/VIAA/2021/7, 30.04.2021. |
Contract Date | 30.04.2021 |
Project title | Novel biorefinery concepts for valorization of lignocellulosic residues |
Project promoter | Riga Technical University |
Start of project eligibility | 01.05.2021 |
Project end | 30.04.2024 |
Total eligible costs | 800 000.00€ |
Grant financing | 680 000.00€ |
National co-financing | 120 000.00€ |
Project status | In implementation |
Project goal/description | To develop new, alternative solutions and approaches for efficient processing of lignocellulosic biomass into medium and high-value products. The total cost of the project is EUR 800 000.00, of which EUR 680 000.00 is co-financing from European Economic Area financial instrument and 120000.00 is National co-finding. |
Implementation place | Visa Latvija |
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