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Latvia Ready to Adopt Norway’s Experience in Green Hydrogen Development


Business Development / 11.03.2025

Latvia Ready to Adopt Norway’s Experience in Green Hydrogen Development

On 10th March, a study was presented regarding the role of green hydrogen in the Norwegian economy and its potential development in Latvia. Currently, Norway produces 10% of Europe’s total green hydrogen, making it the second-largest player in the industry after Germany. Latvia has also begun early-stage hydrogen technology applications in various sectors, including water […]

Research and Education / 27.12.2024

Latvian scientists adopt the best Scandinavian experience in promoting innovation

Over three years, the international project within the European Economic Area and Norway Grants (EEA/Norway) program “Research and Education,” implemented by the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management of Riga Technical University (RTU) in collaboration with the University of South-Eastern Norway provided 65 RTU researchers, experienced academics and students an opportunity to explore the innovation […]

Local Development and Culture / 20.12.2024

Experience exchange visit to Norway on the role of libraries today and audience development

With the financial support of the European Economic Area (hereinafter – EEA) Fund for Bilateral relations, bilateral relations between Latvia and Norway have been strengthened, as from December 2-6, 2024 representatives from the Ministry of Culture, Liepaja Central Scientific Library, South Kurzeme Regional Library, Kuldiga Main Library, Skrunda City Library, Rumba Parish Library and Liepaja […]


Latvia Ready to Adopt Norway’s Experience in Green Hydrogen Development

Business Development

Latvian scientists adopt the best Scandinavian experience in promoting innovation

Research and Education

Experience exchange visit to Norway on the role of libraries today and audience development

Local Development and Culture



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