Latvia and Iceland Collaborate on a Joint Project to Explore Nutrition Issues in Both Countries - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Latvia and Iceland Collaborate on a Joint Project to Explore Nutrition Issues in Both Countries

The scholarship mobility project of the European Economic Area and Norway Grants (EEA/NO) “Research and Education” program, implemented by Riga Stradins University (RSU) in collaboration with the University of Iceland, provided an opportunity to focus on the socially significant topic of nutrition science. The project investigated the eating habits and nutritional literacy issues in both countries, as well as promoted scientific collaboration in this field.

The project, titled “Staff Mobility Between Riga Stradiņš University and the University of Iceland for Scientific Collaboration in Nutrition Science”, was initiated to enhance the content of nutrition study courses and related teaching methods in both countries. It also aimed to integrate research more effectively into the study process and transfer nutrition-related knowledge to the labor market.

The main nutrition-related challenges in Latvia and Iceland are similar. The significance of the topic is underscored by recent research findings on the notable increase in body weight, caused by unfavorable changes in physical activity levels and dietary patterns. The pandemic also impacted lifestyles, leading to reduced physical activity and the influence of previously unidentified health risks.

Project Activities and Achievements

During the project, five outgoing mobility visits to Iceland and two incoming visits to Latvia were organized. These mobilities enabled participants—representatives and students from RSU and the University of Iceland—to exchange knowledge and experiences in developing nutrition study programs, exploring eating habits, and implementing nutritional literacy initiatives in partner countries. They also collaborated on strategies for formulating and implementing dietary recommendations and discussed potential future academic and scientific cooperation.

The exploration of nutrition-related initiatives, such as Iceland’s adoption of the Nordic Diet recommended by the World Health Organization, provided valuable insights. Currently, the dietary energy and nutrient intake guidelines for Latvian residents are based on the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations developed by Iceland and other Nordic countries. Harmonizing and synchronizing these guidelines between project countries is vital, as is gaining experience in the effectiveness of nutritional labeling to help consumers adhere to national dietary guidelines.

Project Results and Impact

The project achieved significant outcomes influencing both the study process and scientific collaboration.

Throughout the activities, various approaches to improving study quality in Latvia and Iceland were discussed. For instance, the integration of nutrition courses into the first year of studies was proposed to enhance students’ learning outcomes and satisfaction with study quality. Additionally, combining nutrition science with food science to deepen industry knowledge was suggested. The exchange of experiences on the structure and content of nutrition and food-related study programs during visits provided new ideas for improvements and highlighted the need to address identified shortcomings.

The project also significantly contributed to fostering scientific collaboration between the two countries. During the mobilities, discussions about dietary habits in the context of recommended food products revealed commonalities, serving as a foundation for joint research in nutrition science with nutritional literacy emerging as a key focus. For example, both countries were involved in developing the new Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR) and plan to use them as a basis for implementing local dietary guidelines.

Establishing contacts with the academic staff of the University of Iceland in the field of nutrition is essential for future collaboration and the internationalization of studies. Valuable insights were gained into how studies are organized in Iceland. The agreed joint research directions and scientific interests will facilitate collaboration on scientific projects, also promoting student involvement in international research.

As a result of the project, RSU began implementing the Erasmus+ blended intensive program between RSU and the University of Iceland in 2024. This is the first Erasmus+ mobility program for Master’s students in Nutrition Science. Collaboration on nutrition issues continues through jointly organized scientific events. For example, one of the Icelandic partners, Ólafur Ögmundarson, participated in the 4th International Conference on “Nutrition and Health” organized by RSU in December 2024, delivering a lecture on sustainable healthy diets and food systems.

The EEA/Norway project “Staff Mobility Between Riga Stradiņš University and the University of Iceland for Scientific Collaboration in Nutrition Science” has provided an excellent opportunity to develop and strengthen cooperation between Latvia and Iceland in the field of nutrition science. It has improved education in nutrition science, promoted research opportunities, and contributed to both academic and practical areas.

The total project cost was €12,720.00, with €10,812.00 funded by the European Economic Area financial mechanism and €1,908.00 co-financed by the Latvian state budget. The implementation of the EEA/NO program “Research and Education” scholarship activities in Latvia concluded in April 2024, covering the period from 2021 to 2024.

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