Three new projects the Baltic Research Programme were launched in August - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Three new projects the Baltic Research Programme were launched in August

In August 2023, three contract have been concluded on the implementation of projects submitted in the restricted call of the Baltic Research Programme, which are aimed at the development of new joint research project applications for call under the programe “Horizon Europe” or other funding programme.

One of the projects “Strategic initiative to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation in the field of microplastic pollution research” with a total funding of 49 981,25 EUR will be implemented by the Latvian Institute of Hydroecology in cooperation with partners the University of Iceland and the Institute of Marine and Freshwater Research (Iceland), the Department of Marine Systems of the Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and the Department of Geography and Geology of the University of Turku (Finland). The aim of the project is to launch a strategic initiative between Iceland, Latvia, Estonia and Finland to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation in the field of a new pollutant – microplastics. The main result of the project will be the involvement of researchers from partner countries in the development of a high-quality, scientifically based and competitive project application for obtaining further funding for the study of microplastic pollution.

The second project “Preparation of the project application with the provisional title “Sustainable and innovative technologies for the effective use of by-products” with a total funding of EUR 57 337,50 will be implemented by 4 partners: Latvia University of Biosciences and Technology (Latvia), SINTEF (Norway), Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania) and TFTAK (Estonia).

The third project ” INnovative TEchnologies for REcovery of valuable compounds from agri-food and seafood side STreams for food applications” with a total funding of EUR 50,000.00 will be implemented by the Institute of Horticulture in cooperation with partners from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU, Estonia) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU , Norway).

The goal of the restricted call of the Baltic Research Programme is to strengthen cooperation between research organizations in Latvia, donor countries, Estonia and Lithuania in order to improve the research performance of the Baltic countries at the international level.

Project applications were submitted in the restricted call by 5 applicants of the 3rd open call of the Baltic Research Programme, whose projects are included in the reserve list. The total amount of funding requested in the project applications is EUR 277,318.75.The Baltic research program is implemented within the EEA grant programme “Research and Education”, which is implemented in Latvia by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Latvian Council of Science.

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