Programme | Research and Education |
Selection | Open project |
Competition title | The restricted call of the project applications under the activity “Baltic Research Programme” |
National project partner | Institute of Horticulture |
Donorstate/international project partner | Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU, Estonia); Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Norway). |
Project national Nr. | EEA-RESEARCH-170-RC |
GrACE project Nr. | LV-RESEARCH-0023 |
Contract No. | EEZ/BPP/LZP/2023/4 |
Contract Date | 29.08.2023 |
Project title | INTEREST - INnovative TEchnologies for REcovery of valuable compounds from agri-food and seafood side STreams for food applications |
Project promoter | Institute of Horticulture |
Start of project eligibility | 19.07.2023 |
Project end | 30.04.2024 |
Grant financing | 42 500.00€ |
National co-financing | 7 500.00€ |
Project status | In implementation |
Project goal/description | The project goal is to prepare and submit a joint project within the EU research and innovation support program Horizon Europe framework by strengthening cooperation and joint research within the framework, using the strengths of each partner (LatHort, EMU and NTNU) – equipment, experience and ideas – as well as searching for more partners, especially in the field of regulatory aspects, public health, nanotechnology and zero-waste economy.
The main result of the project execution: one joint project within the framework of the EU research and innovation support program Horizon Europe will be prepared and submitted. To achieve this result, it is planned to organize at least four online / on-site events (meetings, brainstorming, seminars) and three experience exchange trips. LatHort plans to hire an external service for the preparation of the joint project application. To ensure publicity, at least eight informative updates about the project and the activities carried out are planned to post on each of the partners' websites and social networks.
The project will stimulate collaborative research on EU and regional level and offers splendid possibilities for PhD and postdoctoral students’ research. The total cost of the project is EUR 50 000, of which EUR 42 500.00 is co-financing from European Economic Area and EUR 7 500.00 is National co-finding.
Implementation place | Visa Latvija |
Website of the project:
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