The exhibition of the Nature House is complemented by the installation "Zirgu Island" - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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The exhibition of the Nature House is complemented by the installation “Zirgu Island”

In the co-creation room Nature House of the Liepaja Municipal Education department Science and Education Innovation Centre (ZIIC), the exposition was supplemented with interactive nature knowledge boxes.

The installation “Zirgu Island ” consists of two parts – creative cognitive boxes, where you can find the story of Island of Horses, which reveals both its natural, historical and cultural values, and the overall sound experience of the Nature House complements the learning process. The territory of Zirgu Island, especially in an educational context, serves as a good example of how a former landfill can be transformed into a place for recreation, walks and educational activities. However, the history of Zirgu Island began even before its transformation into a landfill. Its name already indicates the presence and importance of horses in this place, that is, once there were horse pastures here.

ZIIC experts have created fifteen creative knowledge boxes, which in their external structure resemble a fishing tackle box. Not only the external appearance shows this, but also its content, which indicates a connection with the water world in the form of play and cognition. A “frog” that jumps as if from a car tire or a toy “Buttons” – today these are often already forgotten toys, but someone would remember their childhood with a happy mood. Using the dexterity of your fingers, there’s a chance to learn how to tie sturdy fisherman’s knots or get to know the masterful maggot that builds its own home from whatever it finds in the depths of the water. That’s just a fraction of what these boxes contain, and it’s clear that their contents are sparking interest in STEM and environmental science fields for young and old alike.

The exhibition of the Nature House are not only intended to please visitors, but they are used as a teaching tool in the workshops organized by the Nature House, in the teaching of pedagogues and in the implementation of the lessons of interest education programs. In this way, the installations together with the licensed lessons complement the learning content of the school programs and make it interactive.

In cooperation with the sound recording studio “Dirty Deal Audio”, a sound experience has been created especially for Nature House, which depicts the sound elements characteristic of the city of Liepāja and the local natural ecosystem. This audio experience in the lesson together with the Zirgu Island nature knowledge boxes helps to better experience the story of nature and fishing routes on the Zirgu Island.

The interactive exhibition are being developed within the project “Development of the Innovation Centre in Liepaja City” that is funded by the EEA/N grant programme “Research and Education”. Its total cost is EUR 986 049.00, of which EUR 754 327.40 is co-financing of the Norwegian Financial Instrument, EUR 133 116.60 is co-financed by the State budget of Latvia and EUR 98 605.00 by Liepaja City Municipality.

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