The restricted call of the project applications under the activity “Baltic Research Programme” - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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The restricted call of the project applications under the activity “Baltic Research Programme”

The Latvian Council of Science in cooperation with the Research Council of Norway and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia are pleased to open the restricted call for project applications under the EEA Financial Mechanism Baltic Research Programme in Latvia.

The goal of call is to strengthen cooperation between research institutions of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Donor States in order to enhance research performance of Baltic States at the international level.

Expected results of the activity “Baltic Research Programme”:

DescriptionIndicatorTarget ValueSource of
Strengthened cooperation between research organizations of Latvia, Donor States, Estonia and Lithuania, as a result of which a joint project application for future funding has been developed and submittedNumber of joint applications for further funding (disaggregated by Donor State, Type of application) 5Copies of the application for funding
Number of researchers supported (disaggregated by Beneficiary State, Gender, type of graduation degree 10Project Promoter’s records

The call is organized as a restricted call of projects, inviting 12 project applicants of the 3rd open call for project applications of the Baltic Research Programme, whose projects are included in the reserve list, to submit project application, necessarily involving the partner of the Donor States and at least one partner from Estonia or Lithuania. These should be the same partners as in the application under the Baltic Research Programme call, but additional partners from the participating countries can also be included. The restricted call is directed at the development of new joint research project applications to be submitted to Horizon Europe or an alternative source of funding.

The total amount available in the restricted call is 292,507.45 EUR.
The duration of the project implementation is up to 12 months from the setting of the project agreement and the period of project implementation and cost eligibility cannot exceed the deadline specified in the project agreement and cannot exceed April 30, 2024.

The maximum funding available for the project is be determined according to the number of the following mandatory project partners:
1) if the project has two mandatory project partners – one research organization registered in Estonia or Lithuania and one research organization registered in the Donor State – the project amount is up to 50,000 EUR;
2) if the project has three mandatory project partners – one research organization registered in Estonia, one research organization registered in Lithuania and one research organization registered in the Donor State – the project amount is up to 60,000 EUR.
The project promoter is a scientific institution registered in Latvia that meets the status of a research organisation and has submitted a project application in the 3rd open call for project applications of the Baltic Research Programme, but whose project application was rejected due to insufficient funding.
Project promoters and project partners from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as form Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are research organisations, as defined in the EU Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation (2014/C 198/01). Project promoters from Latvia and project partners from Latvia (if any) must be registered in the register of Latvian scientific institutions –
Project promoters submit their project application electronically by sending the project application to official e-address of the Latvian Council of Science, using the portal of state administration services, in the form of an electronic document by signing it with a secure electronic signature containing a time stamp.

The deadline for project application is February 18, 2023. The project promoter submits the project application electronically to the official e-address of Latvian Council of Science via the Public Administration Services portal If the project application is submitted after the project submission deadline, it will not be evaluated, and the project promoter will receive a notification from the Latvian Council of Science about the refusal to evaluate the project application.
The rules and procedures for submission and evaluation of applications are described in the Regulations of restricted project call of the activity “Baltic Research Programme” of the programme “Research and Education” of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021, which is available here.
The program co-financing rate for the project is 100% of total eligible project costs, of which the national co-financing is 15% and the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism co-financing is 85%.
The eligible costs of the project are determined by regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 333 “For the implementation of the activity “Baltic Research Program” and the activity “Scholarships” of the program “Research and Education” of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021” adopted on 2 June, 2020 in Article 22 and they include the costs of remuneration of the project’s administrative and implementation staff, the costs of travel and subsistence allowances for the project staff, the depreciation costs, the costs of purchasing inventory, tools and materials, necessary for the implementation of the project, other costs necessary for the implementation of the project, the costs of external services used only for the purpose of the project (no more than 15% of the total project costs) and indirect costs (a flat rate of 25% of the total eligible costs of the project, except costs of external services). Costs are eligible if they are reasonable, necessary and directly related to the project.

Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 333 “For the implementation of the activity “Baltic Research Program” and the activity “Scholarships” of the program “Research and Education” of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 adopted on 2 June, 2020.
Regulations of restricted project call of the activity “Baltic Research Program” of the program “Research and Education”
of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021.
The questions and queries concerning the call for the project proposals please send to

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