Teachers are Invited to Apply for Non-formal Education Programmes - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Teachers are Invited to Apply for Non-formal Education Programmes

The Science and Education Innovation Center (ZIIC) of the Liepaja Municipal Education Department announces the application for free non-formal teacher education programmes, which will be implemented on October 18, with the opportunity to participate in workshops led by Norwegian experts on October 19.

This will be the second training in the co-creation places of the Science and Education Innovation Center, in which teachers from all over Latvia are invited to participate. The non-formal education programmes for teachers have been developed within the project “Development of the Innovation Center in Liepaja City”, in cooperation with partners from Liepaja University and the Jaermuseet Regional Museum. Programmes are based in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and Environmental Sciences.

The programme “Ecotechnology for Improving the Learning Process” will be implemented in the Nature House for 7.-12. grade teachers. Lectures will be read by ZIIC experts, Dr.biol. Ieva Roze and Sintija Ozoliņa, Laboratory Assistant in Natural Sciences. Teachers will have the opportunity to learn eco-technological approaches, with the help of which they can diversify the learning process, as well as to work practically and make sustainable, alternative materials. Studies in Nature House will take place from 9.30 to 16.30.

On the other hand, the programme “Digital Production in Education” will be implemented in the Technology co-creation place for 7.-12. grade teachers. Within the programme, educators will gain an insight into the elements of design thinking that can be used in the digital production process. At the same time, digital production equipment and their application will be introduced, which will be complemented by a practical workshop on the basics of digital design development led by Liepaja University expert Rogier Jupin. In addition, Uldis Žaimis, the experienced director of the Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies, will lecture on conducting scientific research works, implementing a technology-enriched learning process. Teacher training in the Technology co-creation room, Autoru Street 4/6 will take place from 9.00. to 18.00.

Each participant has the opportunity to attend the workshops conducted by the experts of the project partner Jaermuseet Regional Museum on October 19 at 9.00 (workshops will be held in English). Teachers are provided with lunch and the opportunity to apply for a refund of transport compensation. Please read the transport compensation regulations here: https://saite.lv/xRS. The application is open from 19.09.2022. until 30.09.2022, or until 30 applications are received (whichever comes first).

To apply for training, it is necessary to fill in the electronic form on the ZIIC website: https://saite.lv/uEa. ZIIC administration will contact the participants whose booking will be confirmed. In case the reserved places become available, a re-application will be announced.

Non-formal education training programmes or teachers are being developed by the project “Development of the Innovation Centre in Liepaja City” that is funded by the European Economic Area and the Norway grant programme “Research and Education”.  Its total cost is EUR 986 049.00, of which EUR 754 327.40 is co-financing of the Norwegian Grants, EUR 133 116.60 is co-financed by the State budget of Latvia and EUR 98 605.00 by Liepaja City Municipality.   

For additional information:

Liepaja Municipal Education Department
Science and Education Innovation Centre (ZIIC)
Project “Development of the Innovation Centre in Liepaja City” manager

Laura Grundmane

Phone nr.: 0037126464841
E-mail: laura.grundmane@liepaja.edu.lv

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