A seminar on the exchange of experience was held in Iceland - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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A seminar on the exchange of experience was held in Iceland

From September 1 to 2, the delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Latvian Science Council went to Iceland to participate in the creation and implementation of science policy organized by the Icelandic Research Center (RANNIS), the Icelandic Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the Latvian Science Council (LZP).  The seminar was organized within the framework of the Bilateral Cooperation Fund of the EEA and Norwegian Financial Instrument Program “Research and Education”.

The aim of the seminar was to create sustainable cooperation, mutual learning and exchange of experience between the Icelandic Research Center, the Icelandic Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Latvian Science Council and the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science in the field of science policy implementation.

The seminar started with a tour of the RANNIS office, followed by a presentation by LZP director Lauma Muižniece about the Latvian Science Council, its structure, functions, and directions of activity. Afterward, guests from the Icelandic Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation joined the conversation about Icelandic science policy, the selection of research thematic priorities at the regional and national level, key policy performances and measurement indicators, inter-institutional cooperation in Iceland between policymakers and policy implementers at strategic and operational levels.

After the visit, the knowledge gained and examples of good practice that can be adopted will be collected and recommendations will be developed for further improvement of the Latvian Science Council.

The study visit to Iceland was the first event implemented within the framework of the LZP project “Strengthening the EEA-Baltic Joint Cooperation Platform for Research Administrators”. The aim of the project is to strengthen the joint cooperation platform of the EEA and the Baltic States by sharing experience and knowledge in the field of research management, as well as promoting the development of joint future initiatives and cooperation mechanisms. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to collect and analyze the research management experience of the program partners of the donor countries involved in the initiative, as well as to organize regular events for the exchange of experience, strengthening the already started multilateral cooperation in the field of research within the framework of the activities of the EEA and Norwegian financial instrument “Baltic Research Program”.

The LZP project is financed from the funds of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian financial instrument program “Education and Research” Bilateral Cooperation Fund.

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