Talsi not only winds over nine hills, but they also intertwine in a ball of yarn, which is depicted in a wall painting or mural in the center of Talsi. History, art, development, and different generations intertwine in this ball of yarn. Every hill of the city and the cultural elements characteristic of Talsi are woven into it. To celebrate the unveiling of this mural, people who care about Talsi, people who care about the future direction of culture, and young people who will spin this ball of yarn further, gathered and intertwined. Watch the video and find out where the project* of the Regional Development and Culture Programme of the EEA grants will lead, within the framework of which important elements of the urban environment are created throughout Latvia and workshops for children and young people are created and conducted.
About the creation of the mural: The mural was created especially for the city of Talsi, inspired by the children’s book ” Me, A Human Being, in a World” by Imants Ziedonis, in which the writer focuses on life, time, growth, development, work and other symbols. I. Ziedonis encourages you to think about the foundations of your life, their care and preservation. For the composition of the mural, artist Zīle Ziemele was also inspired by the wall paintings of Tīcs Dzintarkalns’ “Amber” house, which depict various fairy tales and mythological scenes. The mural symbolically depicts the tale of Eden, the characters of which are made from Latvian characters. The composition of the painting also contains a skylight, reminding us that we live together in the same world – under the sun, where there is a lot of unknown. The artwork depicts the reflection of the ancient castle of Talsi in the lake, while the ball of yarn – the center of the composition – symbolically includes the common experience of mankind in Talsi. In the process of working, the author was helped by local researcher Imants Tamsons, folklorist Liena Eidone and other active Talsi residents, as well as the Talsi County Museum and the Talsi Art School.
*At the beginning of 2022, within the framework of the EEA Grants Regional Development and Culture Programme managed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, a valuable project was launched – “”Me, A Human Being in A World”, a tool for fostering contemporary culture processes”, which is implemented by the Imants Ziedonis’ Foundation “Viegli” together with the Norwegian partners – The Cultural Schoolbag Nordland.
You can find out more about the project here: https://eeagrants.lv/en/2021/12/07/me-a-human-being-in-a-world-a-tool-for-fostering-contemporary-culture-processes/
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