TRAVEL.izi - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Business Development


Programme Business Development
Selection Open project
Competition title An open call for the small grant scheme “Development of green industry innovation and ICT products”
Donorstate/international project partner UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Project national Nr. NAGS1-IES-2021/25
GrACE project Nr. LV-INNOVATION-0023
Contract No. NP-2022/9
Contract Date 11.03.2022
Project title TRAVEL.izi
Project promoter SIA "Vanilla Travel"
Start of project eligibility 17.03.2022
Project end 29.02.2024
Total eligible costs 138 400.00€
Grant financing 80 795.15€
National co-financing 14 257.97€
Project promoter co-financing 43 346.88€
Project status Completed
Project goal/description The aim of the project is to develop a smart travel assistant that provides the world's fastest travel reservation service with unique algorithms, speaks languages spoken by almost half of the world's travelers using the most popular communication applications.
Implementation place Vidzeme
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