2nd Call of the EEA grants Scholarships open to higher education institutions - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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2nd Call of the EEA grants Scholarships open to higher education institutions

On 15 February, the State Education Development Agency (VIAA) announces the second project selection call of “Scholarships” activity for Latvian higher education institutions. The activity is implemented to promote mobility and co-operation in higher education between Latvia and Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland.

Potential implementors can apply for the call in the rsgrants.viaa.gov.lv system until April 19, 2022. Guidelines and more information on how to apply can be found in the sections project contests and documents of the eeagrants.lv website.

The scholarships activity is intended to improve the skills and competencies of doctoral students, master’s, bachelor’s and professional study programme students, academic and administrative staff, as well as to supplement the knowledge of project participants about higher education and research. Higher education institutions must involve at least one partner from a donor country in Norway, Liechtenstein or Iceland. In the evaluation of projects, an additional 10 points can be awarded to those applications, who already cooperate with the projects of the Baltic Research Programme.

It is possible to create two types of mobility in the project – mobilities of students and academic and administrative staff. Student mobilities can last from three to 11 months, with shortened mobility lasting five working days and online mobility lasting a minimum of 20 hours. Mobility for academic and administrative staff lasts from one to four weeks, including short-term mobility of two working days and online mobility of a minimum duration of eight hours.

Subsistence costs for students from Latvia to the donor country are 1’200 euros per month, but from the donor country to Latvia – 1’000 euros per month. In turn, for the mobility of academic and administrative staff from Latvia to the donor country 500 euros for two working days, 1’250 euros for one mobility week, not exceeding 4’000 euros for four weeks of mobility, but from the donor country to Latvia – 300 euros for two working days, 750 euros per week, up to a maximum of 3’000 euros for four weeks of mobility.

The duration of the project is 12 months from the conclusion of the project agreement. The available funding in this call is 335’986 euros, which consists of European Economic Area (EEA) co-financing for 285,588.10 euros and Latvian state budget co-financing in the amount of 50’397.90 euros. The approved projects will have a budget of 10’000 to 200 000 euros. The co-financing rate for the project is up to 100%, of which the Latvian state budget co-financing is 15% and the EEA co-financing is 85%.

An online seminar for potential project applicants is planned for March 2, where VIAA will inform about the activity, application for the call, as well as answer questions. More information will follow.

The call is organized by VIAA in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Norwegian Directorate of Higher Education and Skills. The programme Research and Education is funded by the EEA/NO, while Scholarships are funded by European Economic Area (EEA) grants.

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