Programme | Local Development and Culture |
Selection | Pre-defined project |
Competition title | Facilitation of inter-municipal cooperation and enhancement of good governance principles in Latvian local governments |
National project partner | Association of Major Cities of Latvia |
Donorstate/international project partner | Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities |
Project national Nr. | LV-LOCALDEV-0006 |
GrACE project Nr. | LV-LOCALDEV-0006 |
Contract No. | EEZ/INP/03 |
Contract Date | 26.07.2021 |
Project promoter | Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments |
Start of project eligibility | 21.06.2021 |
Project end | 20.04.2024 |
Grant financing | 1 062 500.00€ |
National co-financing | 187 500.00€ |
Project status | In implementation |
Project goal/description | Objective: Improved inter-municipal cooperation and strengthened good governance to improve quality and effectiveness of public services.
1. Research on efficiency and effectiveness of inter-municipal cooperation in Latvia
2. Five regional networks of local governments established and in-depth analysis of current inter-municipal cooperation practice in Latvia and its enhancement possibilities performed within the framework of the networks.
3. Five pilot actions implemented enhancing inter-municipal and intra-municipal cooperation.
4. Recommendations for further development of inter-municipal and intra-municipal cooperation in Latvia developed.
5. Good governance guidelines and a self-assessment tool of ethical conduct for local governments elaborated.
6. Training seminars organized in five regions on implementation of good governance principles in local governments.
7. Study visits performed to Norway, Poland and Finland providing experience exchange on proven solutions in different countries of the Baltic Sea region on inter-municipal cooperation and good governance in local governments.
8. The operational strategy of state cities until 2027 including recommendations for attracting investment for state cities and proactive representation of their interests.
9. Discussion platform established for positioning city views on the national long-term and mid-term development planning documents and legal regulations.
10. Strengthened network of experts of the AMCL and enhanced capacity of Latvian cities to deal with new dimensions of urban development challenges.
Implementation place | Visa Latvija |
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