Promoting collaboration for sustainable and circular use of bioresources across agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture (CIRCLE) - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Research and Education

Promoting collaboration for sustainable and circular use of bioresources across agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture (CIRCLE)

Programme Research and Education
Selection Open project
Competition title Third project call of Baltic Research programme
National project partner Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Donorstate/international project partner Institute for Rural and Regional Research RURALIS (Norway), Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia), Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Project national Nr. EEA-RESEARCH-24
GrACE project Nr. LV-RESEARCH-0015
Contract No. EEZ/BPP/VIAA/2021/9, 30.09.2021.
Contract Date 30.09.2021
Project title Promoting collaboration for sustainable and circular use of bioresources across agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture (CIRCLE)
Project promoter Baltic Studies Centre
Start of project eligibility 01.10.2021
Project end 30.04.2024
Total eligible costs 984 223.60€
Grant financing 862 090.06€
National co-financing 152 133.54€
Project status In implementation
Project goal/description The CIRCLE project aims to develop an interdisciplinary perspective on the circular economy in the Baltic-Nordic region by integrating insights from sociology, economics, philosophy, political science, and environmental science, and examining its all three - social, economic, and environmental - sustainability dimensions. The emphasis is placed on the use of byproducts (bio-resources) generated as part of primary production in agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture within their sub-sectors and across the sectoral boundaries to explore the underlying models of socially- and commercially-driven collaborations between the involved parties and the factors facilitating and hindering the development and wider use of circular practices and collaborative arrangements thereof. The project attends to both supply and demand side of this type of inter- and cross-sectoral circularity of bio-resources and their secondary application in production by investigating producers’ considerations, consumers’ views, and policy implications. This is to be achieved with the application of complementary methods such as literature review, media analysis, qualitative individual and group interviews, national stakeholder and scenario workshops, and cost-benefit analysis. The project will contribute to the growing academic, public, and policy debate at both national and European level on sustainable resource use, and will offer evidence-based knowledge on existing and potential solutions within and across the three sectors under investigation to highlight the role and models of cooperation between different market, civic, and public actors in ensuring effective implementation of circularity. The project’s consortium brings together five academic partners from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Norway allowing to build new partnerships, advance interdisciplinary collaboration, and contribute to inter-organisational learning and researchers’ training. The total cost of this project is EUR 1 014 223.60, of which EUR 862 090.06 is co-financing from European Economic Area financial instrument and EUR 152 133.54 is National co-finding.
Implementation place Visa Latvija

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