Additional opportunities for universities and research organizations in EEA and Norway grants projects - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Research and Education

Additional opportunities for universities and research organizations in EEA and Norway grants projects

Today, on 29 June 2021, the government supported the changes proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science in the regulations on the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants programme Research and Education activities Baltic Research Programme and Scholarships.

The amendments provide additional opportunities for Latvian higher education institutions and research organizations. Latvian, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Liechtenstein higher education institutions will be able to implement mobility or university students and academic and administrative staff exchange programmes for also online and at shortened deadlines, international exchange programmes, including within the constraints of Covid-19, by improving the knowledge, skills, and competences of students, academic and administrative staff in the field of higher education and research. The exchange programmes promote sustainable cooperation and knowledge exchange in higher education between Latvian universities in donor countries. The next open scholarship competition, including online and short-term mobility, will be launched in early 2022.

The funding of the Baltic Research Programme has been supplemented with another million euros, thus enabling Latvian scientists to implement another international research project. In the first quarter of 2021, the open research competition was concluded, in which high-quality projects for the efficient and sustainable use of resources in the fields of public health, e-health, regional economic development, and innovative solutions were submitted. The available funding made it possible to fund eight research projects, leaving many high-quality projects on the reserve list. Additional funding will allow another project from the reserve list with the highest score. This will be done by the Latvian research organization cooperating with at least one partner in Estonia and/or Lithuania, as well as with at least one partner from the donor countries – Norway and, or Iceland, and/or Liechtenstein, improving the international research performance.

The EEA and Norway Grants programme Research and Education promote the development of human resources and knowledge in Latvia by promoting the mobility of university students and staff and bilateral research cooperation between Latvia, donor countries, Estonia and Lithuania. The total funding available in the programme is EUR 17,058,824, of which the EEA and Norway grants are EUR 14,500,000 and the national co-financing in Latvia is EUR 2,558,824. The programme will be implemented until 30 April 2024.

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