Publication created on findings and recommendations for the creation of high-quality cultural events for children and youth - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Local Development and Culture

Publication created on findings and recommendations for the creation of high-quality cultural events for children and youth

At a time when the quality of life of both individuals and countries is increasingly influenced by the ability to be creative, critically-thinking, innovative and collaborative, the role of cultural awareness and expression competence is growing worldwide. At the end of 2019 with the support of EEA Grants the Ministry of Culture of Latvia organized an international conference in which professionals and experts in the field of culture and education from Latvia, Norway and Portugal introduced cultural organizations to good practices for providing culture to children and youth. Among other things, experts and practitioners discussed what is a high-quality cultural offer for children and youth and how to ensure its suitability, sustainability and mobility.

In order to gather and document the experience and ideas expressed during the conference and to disseminate this information to a wider audience, the Ministry of Culture of Latvia in cooperation with the Latvian Academy of Culture and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Riga decided to develop a bilingual guidebook (in Latvian and English) which will serve as guidelines when planning and implementing cultural events for young audiences, as well as will give recommendations on how to develop a successful cooperation with donor project partners (cultural organizations from Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) and create a mutual project idea. The guidebook is available online on or in paper in the Ministry of Culture of Latvia.

At the end of 2020 the Ministry of Culture of Latvia plans to launch the first round of the open call for project proposals “Support for the Creation of Professional Arts and Culture Products for Children and Youth” under the EEA Grants programme “Regional Development, Poverty Reduction and Cultural Cooperation”.

The directions of support of the open call are the creation of new products of professional contemporary arts and culture and audience development.

For more information, please contact:
Justīne Jansone
Ministry of Culture of Latvia
EU Funds Department
Financial Instruments Development Division
Senior Desk Officer
(+371) 67330290

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