On Wednesday, 16 March State Secretary of Ministry of Justice Raivis Kronbergs is attending the opening of international scientific conference “Basic principles of following and restriction proportionality of person’s rights an freedom in the work of police”. Conference is held in the framework of financial instrument of Norway, period of years 2009-2014 program “Reform of correction institutions and temporary custody institutions of State Police”.
The goal of project is to make better the standards in temporary custody places – development of infrastructure, as well as providing employees with suitable training.
R Kronbergs, while marking the successful cooperation between the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and State Police in the framework of this project, emphasizes:
“Although execution of the project started just 2 years ago, very much has already been done – infrastructure in temporary, short-term and long-term custody places has been improved, and training programs have been developed, normative acts are also improved.
I am truly satisfied that this kind of cooperation model effectively works an Ministry of Justice could give contribution in development of internal affairs’ system according to European Council recommendations and international standards of human rights.”
In the framework of this project short-term and temporary custody places are renovated and equipped. In cooperation with European Council a handbook has been developed for personnel of temporary custody institutions – a holistic practical material about questions regarding human rights. Also experience exchange visits an consultations have been held with partners – Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, European Council, and European Court of Human Rights. In framework of project there have been developed suggestions and adopted amendments in several rules of Cabinet of Ministers and laws regarding order in which persons are placed and kept in temporary custody institutions. Regarding training of personnel, two professional study programs have been developed and 101 employee has been trained in the framework of this project.
In the framework of financial instrument of Norway, period of years 2009-2014 program “Reform of correction institutions and temporary custody institutions of State Police” a project is being executed: “Improving standards in temporary custody place of State Police, including activities for improving infrastructure; decreasing/elimination of current practice for administrative custody; change of practice by returning current prisoners in custody for further investigation; providing according training to employees that work in temporary custody places.” Project started on 6 May 2014, execution term – 31 August 2016. All activities are planned to finish until 30 April 2016. Project financing: 2 828 885, 80 euro, from which financing from Noway is 85% and national co-financing is 15%.
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