Climate change is affecting the sustainability of society, the potential for economic growth, conditions of ecosystems, and the quality of life of citizens. To address these challenges currently facing the world, including Latvia, two pre-defined projects will be implemented through Norwegian grants that will promote the integration of climate change policies into sectoral and regional policies and improve the management of sustainable soil resources in agriculture.
With support of the Norwegian grants will improve the environmental status of at least three historically polluted sites in Latvia and eliminate their negative impacts on human health and the environment. In addition, educational and information activities will be carried out to raise public awareness of the impact of remediation. An open call will be organized for the implementation of these projects, with a deadline until the 31st of December 2024.
Total funding available for the open call is 11 million euros, of which the national budget co-funding is 1.65 million euros and the Norwegian grant co-funding is 9.35 million euros. The total amount of funding available for the implementation of the predefined projects is 4.01 million euros, of which the state budget co-funding is 602 647 thousand euros.
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MEPRD) prepared the draft of the regulation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme “Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Environment” implementation that was approved by the Government of Latvia on the 18th of February 2020.
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