Today, on 4 December 2020, the Regulation on the general conditions of the EEA Grant Programme “Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Cultural Cooperation” and pre-defined project implementation entered into force. With this grant support measures will be implemented in Latvia for the improvement of regional business and good governance, the creation of cultural products and the promotion of social integration.
At regional and local level, five pre-defined projects from the planning regions will be implemented in cooperation with Norwegian project partners to increase competitiveness, employment and entrepreneurship, and to support youth entrepreneurship. There will also be two pre-defined projects in the field of good governance, which will help to improve cooperation between municipalities and increase the efficiency of services provided to citizens, as well as facilitate the integration of asylum seekers, promote intercultural dialogue and expand cooperation between communities in the municipality.
Special attention will also be paid to the promotion of employment in Latgale region by implementing a small grant scheme for the implementation of new ideas of entrepreneurs. In turn, the open call of project applications in the field of culture will ensure the creativity of professional contemporary art and cultural products, regional competitiveness, social cohesion and understanding of intercultural competences. In addition, separate regulations are being developed for the above mentioned support measures, which are planned to be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers at the beginning of next year.
The total funding of the programme is 11.8 million euros, of which 6.9 million euros are allocated for the implementation of pre-defined projects, 3.2 million euros for the open call in the field of culture, and 0.5 million euros for the small grant scheme.
Program funding for projects will be available until 30 April 2024.
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