On 13 June 2018 the representatives from Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Services, Correctional Service of Norway Staff Academy and Ullersmo prison visited the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia. The aim of the visit was to start the negotiations with Latvian Prison Administration, Olaine Prison and State Probation Service on the implementation of programme “Correctional Services” and the predefined project “Establishment of training centre infrastructure and model prison blocks for training opportunities in the Olaine prison territory” of the Norway Grants for the period 2014–2021.
Within the framework of predefined project, it is planned to build a new and modern Training centre for personnel of correctional services of Latvia. The Norwegian grant available for this purpose will be in the amount of EUR 13 000 000. The funding from the Latvian state budget will be in the amount of EUR 2 294 118.
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