Ministry of Justice as the Programme LV08 “Reform of the Latvian Correctional Services and Police Detention Centers” operator and Latvian Prison Administration (LPA) on the 18th September, 2013 have signed project agreement on the implementation of the project “Establishment of a new prison block in Olaine prison, including construction and training of staff”.
The project “Establishment of a new prison block in Olaine prison, including construction and training of staff” will be implemented in the frame of Programme LV08 “Reform of the Latvian Correctional Services and Police Detention Centers” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
The main goals of the project will be reached in 4 activities:
Within the framework of the first activity several sub-activities for prison staff will be carried out, with a goal to improve their knowledge about the specifics of work with addicts. In the frame of the activity will be carried out:
3. Trainings of specialists:
Within the framework of the second activity there will be developed a technical project and construction work of the new center for addicts there will be carried out in the Olaine prison area. Part of the 3.acitivity resocialization measures for deduction of the addiction will be carried out for the prisoners with addiction problems in this center.
Implementation of resocialization measures for prisoners with addiction problems will be carried out within the framework of the third activity, RNA will be implemented in all prisons of Latvia, LPA will implementactivities in cooperation with NGOs, LPA will carry out HIV/AIDS prevention programme, sport and leisure activities, create library and infrastructure for e-environment for implementation of education programs and access to actual legislation.
Implementation of the project will last starting from 18 September 2013 till 30 April 2016.
Total estimated project cost is 8 277 294 EUR, of which 7 035 700 EUR is the co-funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, and 1 241 594 EUR is Latvian co-financing.
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