At the Cēsis Space Exploration Center, where innovation and the future intersect at every turn, representatives of Baltic and Nordic research councils and education ministries gathered to discuss strengthening collaboration in the future. The Norway and European Economic Area (EEA) grant program has concluded, but this does not mean that cooperation should come to an end—quite the contrary!
Lauma Muižniece emphasized the importance of not only preserving the relationships already established but also exploring new ways to collaborate in the future. She encouraged her colleagues to be bold and to set goals that involve broader partnerships, further solidifying what has been initiated and pursuing shared ambitions.
At the seminar, Anna Leiškalne, a representative of the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science, and Jūlija Asmuss, from the Latvian Science Council, presented Latvia’s experience in international research projects. Discussions revealed concerns that new joint programs might not emerge in the near future; however, it was agreed that existing cooperation mechanisms should be utilized as fully as possible.
One major topic of discussion was how to measure the effectiveness of cooperation. Participants considered both quantitative indicators (such as the number of events and participants, and funding amounts) and qualitative outcomes, such as the impact of specific projects. They also emphasized the importance of storytelling to showcase the value and achievements of cooperation.
Special attention was given to open data and data security. How can data accessibility be balanced with security and ethical requirements? Representatives from the Baltic and Icelandic research councils shared their experiences in these matters.
The event participants also exchanged practical insights on various project management phases—from project evaluation to implementation and analysis of results. Such an exchange of experiences underscored that together, much more can be achieved.
Project success stories and achievements are available here:
The Cēsis Space Exploration Center, where the seminar took place, was a symbolic location for discussions on innovation and the future of science. The exhibits and educational content at the center were developed with the support of Norway and EEA grants, once again demonstrating the value of international cooperation.
The seminar was implemented within the framework of the Latvian Research Council project “Strengthening the EEA-Baltic Joint Cooperation Platform for Research Administrators” and was funded by the European Economic Area and Norway Grants Programme “Education and Research” Bilateral Cooperation Fund.
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