Culture Plant - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Local Development and Culture

Culture Plant

Programme Local Development and Culture
Selection Open project
Competition title Second round of the open call “Support for the Creation of Professional Art and Cultural Products for Children and Youth”
National project partner NGO "Interdisciplinary Art Group "Serde"" (
Donorstate/international project partner Fargefabrikken, Norway (
Project national Nr. EEZ/2022/2/18
GrACE project Nr. LV-LOCALDEV-0034
Contract No. 4.3.1-12-17
Contract Date 23.09.2022
Project title Culture Plant
Project promoter Jelgava Local Municipality (
Start of project eligibility 01.10.2022
Project end 30.06.2023
Total eligible costs 130 189.00€
Grant financing 110 660.65€
National co-financing 19 528.35€
Project status Completed
Project goal/description Project summary: The goal of the project is to improve access to professional contemporary art and culture for children and youngsters in Jelgava Local Municipality (JNP), to promote and increase their involvement in creation of new art and cultural products. The objective will be achieved through development and provision of art workshops, master classes, led by professional artists of different genres, and provision of capacity building measures for culture related teachers at general and professional orientation schools, culture and youth workers of JNP, led by Latvia’s and Norwegian experts of different fields: arts, psychology, pedagogy. 8 new professional cultural products, created within the workshops and master classes, will be integrated into the main cultural product - Final Creative Performance, and it will be done with strong involvement of artists and target groups, including children and youngsters. The methodology on how to work with and to integrate contemporary culture into the culture lessons and activities will create preconditions for improvement of the whole culture system in the JNP and Zemgale region. Project objective: As a result of the project, 8 new professional contemporary art and cultural products will be created, 3 of which will be unique, while the other 5 will be an integral part of one of the three unique products - Final Creative Performance. Five new contemporary professional cultural products created within the workshops: • Brochure created within the educational expedition “Bread Story”. • Play created within the Community Theatre. • Animation film, based on their own jointly created script, within the Animation workshop. • Art works created within the Pottery workshop. • Toys, created within the Toys Design workshop. The process and new products are described more broadly in the section 3.7. All above mentioned products will be created in leadership of professional artists and strong involvement of the direct target group – 12-18 years old children and youngsters. The 6th new professional culture product (unique) is dance-specific and sound-specific master classes for youngsters (even held as two activities, they form one unique culture product). The concept of site-specific dance is often used in terms of temporary dance, which takes place outside a conventional or generally accepted stage art room. The environment is the source, support or one of the features of a dance show, performance, installation expression. It's a time room, with all your vibrations from which you can't alienate the idea of performance. The concept of sound-specific master classes involves mix of sound tools, percussion tools, different traditional Latvian and other nations' folk music instruments: harp, pipe, mandolin, as well as a variety of electronics: voice control devices and equipment used for creating of rhythm. In the workshop, youngsters will learn the basics of playing instruments of interest and will jointly create a music arrangement. Above-described culture products will be integrated into the 7th - the main professional culture product Final Creative Performance, which will be developed and organised by taking unique approach – the scenario will be elaborated jointly by the involved artists, children and youngsters, and professionals (teachers, culture and youth workers). The product will be presented for the large audience – at least 10 000 visitors in May 2023. The 8th professional culture product (unique) - Joint creative thinking workshops with participation of children youngsters and professionals. During the workshops participants will share the experience of the process, provide reflections on feelings, awareness and experience, and the reflection on use of the new skills in working with children and young people and will jointly develop a concept of the Final Creative Performance to be presented in May 2023 at Eleja Manor Park.
Implementation place Zemgale
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