Experts from the Science and Education Innovation Center in Norway Learn Design Thinking - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Experts from the Science and Education Innovation Center in Norway Learn Design Thinking

At the start of April in Trondheim, Norway, the second part of the training on design thinking organized by the partners of the Science and Education Innovation Center (ZIIC) of the Liepaja Municipal Education Department, led by representatives of Norway’s leading product development company “Inventas”, was completed. Four ZIIC employees received a diploma in design thinking.

Experts from the Trondheim Science Center have been creating interactive, educational and sometimes challenging exhibits for more than 20 years. However, these specialists also point out that it is necessary to be able to keep up with both the rapid development of technology and create new methods of educating the visitors of the science center. For one it will be interactivity, for others it will be a play of light or sound, but for another it will be a difficult task that will stimulate enthusiasm and desire to learn about STEM and environmental sciences.

During the first training in Trondheim, ZIIC experts learned practical methods to get to know and understand the target audience of the science center and their wishes when visiting the center, but this time the skills in creating prototypes of installations, defining goals and testing were also improved. The prototypes created during the training were also tested by the students of the international school, which provided an opportunity to analyze more clearly what was done in order to achieve the desired result.

The lectures led by Trondheim specialists explained both the interactivity of the installations and the interaction with the visitor, as well as an insight into the importance of team work, how to form a working group so that the set goals are achieved as productively as possible. Within the framework of the project “Development of the Innovation Center in Liepaja City”, 15 interactive installations are being developed in the Nature House, therefore the knowledge gained in the inspiring and practical training will be used in the development of the exhibition.

The experience exchange trip is being realized within the project “Development of the Innovation Centre in Liepaja City” that is funded by the European Economic Area and the Norway grant programme “Research and Education”.  Its total cost is EUR 986 049.00, of which EUR 754 327.40 is co-financing of the Norwegian Grants, EUR 133 116.60 is co-financed by the State budget of Latvia and EUR 98 605.00 by Liepaja City Municipality.   

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