Programme | Climate and Environment |
Selection | Open project |
Competition title | Mitigation of Risks Related to Historically Contaminated Sites |
National project partner | Association “Baltijas krasti” |
Donorstate/international project partner | The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) |
Project national Nr. | NFI/AK/02/2 |
GrACE project Nr. | LV-CLIMATE-0004 |
Contract No. | 19.07.2021 No. NFI/AK/02/2 |
Contract Date | 19.07.2021 |
Project title | Remediation of the historically polluted site at the Liepaja Port Karosta Canal |
Project promoter | Liepaja Special Economic Zone Authority |
Start of project eligibility | 01.08.2021 |
Project end | 31.12.2023 |
Total eligible costs | 5 117 647.00€ |
Grant financing | 3 697 500.00€ |
National co-financing | 652 500.00€ |
Project promoter co-financing | 767 647.05€ |
Project status | In implementation |
Project goal/description | The project aims to reduce the negative impact of historically polluted sediments of the Karosta Canal on the environment, human health, and facilitate the good ecological status of the Baltic Sea.
Project implementation time in months: 29 months.
The role of the Norwegian partner is to demonstrate and provide examples of the implementation of remediation work, to provide knowledge to the Latvian partners, and to provide practical advice about tasks to be perfomed.
Project promoter's contact information: |
Implementation place | Kurzeme |
Website of the project – The Liepaja Special Economic Zone Authority
Website of project partner – The association “Baltic Shores”
Website of project partner – The Norwegian Institute for Water Research
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