Grants available for developing welfare technologies with support up to 130 000 euros - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Grants available for developing welfare technologies with support up to 130 000 euros

Development of new technologies in a business can ensure productivity growth and boost competitiveness in domestic and export markets. At the same time, it is a way to improve the welfare for different population groups. One of the priorities of the Norway Grants is to support the development of welfare technologies. This area covers products or technologies for better home care and monitoring for people with special needs, as well as activities aimed at ensuring public safety, inclusion, mobility, and participation.

The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) has announced the call for proposals for small grant scheme “Development of Welfare Technologies” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism’s Programme “Business Development, Innovation and SME’s”. Through this small grant scheme, entrepreneurs have the possibility to attract co-financing of up to 130 000 euros.

“In Scandinavia and other developed countries around the world, the welfare of the populations is very much focused on ensuring equal opportunities for all groups of society. In recent years, significant steps have also been taken in Latvia, to improve various aspects of welfare for seniors, people with disabilities and other groups in society. With the support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme, entrepreneurs can attract resources to develop welfare technologies. The objective of this programme is to improve the inclusion of different groups in society by developing tailor-made solutions that help to promote not only welfare but also security and mobility,” highlights Kaspars Rožkalns, Director General of LIAA.

Within the small grant scheme support will be provided for experimental development, testing and certification of a new product or technology, to strengthen intellectual property rights, as well as financing the knowledge transfer activities with project partner to develop a new product or technology. During the implementation of the project, a prototype of one new product or technology must be developed, that is not intended for commercial needs.

Within the call, support will be provided to enterprises registered in Latvia who correspond to the status of small (micro) or medium-sized enterprise. Enterprises may also attract a project partner, who may be any public or private legal entity established in the Kingdom of Norway or Republic of Latvia and who has the necessary competence to help develop new product or technology.

The total available funding for this programme is EUR 1 200 000. The available grant amount for one project is between EUR 10 000 and EUR 130 000, but the aid intensity is from 35% to 70%. Enterprises that have not received more than EUR 200 000 in support in the last three years under EU de minimis conditions, are eligible for the maximum aid intensity.

This small grant scheme is implemented in cooperation with Ministry of Culture of Republic of Latvia.

Project application may be submitted to the LIAA from 1st July until the 30th September of this year. The project applications are scheduled to be evaluated within four months, which will allow to sign the contracts with the project promoters and start to implement projects at the beginning of next year.

Information about Norway grants Programmes call Selection Regulation and submission documents is available on the website in the “Business and Innovation” programme’s section “Project contests”. 

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