On 28 June 2019 the application of predefined project “Establishment of training centre infrastructure and model prison blocks for training opportunities in the Olaine prison territory” (hereinafter – the project) was approved in the frame of the Norway Grants (hereinafter – Norway Grants) programme “Correctional services” 2014–2021 period. Whereas, on 1 July 2019 the contract No 1–6.4/2–2019 was signed between the Ministry of Justice and the Latvian Prison Administration (hereafter–LPA) on the implementation of the project within the framework of Norway Grants 2014–2021 programme. The project promoter and co-financing recipient – LPA.
The aim of the project is to create a modern infrastructure and content for the staff training of Latvian correctional services (employees of the LPA and the State Probation Service), to ensure the execution of imprisonment according to modern tendencies. Within the framework of the project it is planned to build a new Training Centre in the Olaine Prison territory, where the employees without prior knowledge, who only start to work in the correctional services system, will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, but professionals will be able to improve their knowledge and experience as well. It will be possible to provide modular education in the training centre by individually evaluating and providing each employee with the necessary knowledge.
The content of the training centre programmes will be prepared within the framework of the Project No “Improvement of the effectiveness of the re-socialization system”, 9.1.3. The specific aim of the aid to improve effectiveness of the resocialization system, under the European Social Fund Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” in the priority axis “Social inclusion and combating poverty”.
Norway Grants project also plans to build an open prison block, thus also creating Olaine Prison infrastructure as a place for practice of newly recruited correctional staff.
The aims and objectives set in the project are defined in 4 (four) project activities:
Within the framework of the activity, buildings of the Training Centre and the Open Prison Block are planned to be built in the territory of Olaine Prison. The territory adjacent to the prison will be improved, the documentation necessary for the construction will be prepared, construction supervision will be provided and the equipment and inventory necessary for the operation of the Training Centre and the Open Prison Block will be purchased.
Drawing up of normative acts.
Within the framework of the activity it is planned to draw up normative acts, including the Regulation of Cabinet of Ministers related to the operation of the Training Centre; to implement experience exchange visits in Norway and in the European Union regarding the development of the normative regulation; to organize visits of the donor project partners from University college of Norwegian correctional service and Romerike Prison to Latvia.
Approbation of programmes.
Within the framework of the activity the following will be provided: improving qualification of the Training Centre staff, participation in thematic conferences abroad, research on the quality of life of prisoners and prison staff in places of imprisonment, organising training for mentors in places of imprisonment.
Project management and publicity.
Within the framework of the activity, a project management group will be established, thus ensuring the day-to-day work of the project management — implementation, coordination and monitoring of the project activities.
The project partners:
The overall funding of the project amounts to EUR 14 073 529; 85% (EUR 11 962 500) are financed by Norway Grants but 15% (EUR 2 111 029) are co-funded by the State budget. The project implementation period – 57 months from 1 July 2019 to 30 April 2024. The project implementation site – Olaine Prison territory and LPA Central Unit.
Contact details of the project promoter:
Project manager Lāsma Kauliņa
Tel: + 371 67290338
Email: lasma.kaulina@ievp.gov.lv
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