Study on circulation of sustainable bioresources launched in Baltic Research programme - EEZ un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenti
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Study on circulation of sustainable bioresources launched in Baltic Research programme

On the 1st of October, the Baltic Studies Center launched a study on “Promoting Cooperation for the Sustainable Intersectoral Movement of Bioresources in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (CIRCLE)”, funded by European Economic Area (EEA) grants. The project aims to inform and strengthen public knowledge about new business models, cooperation solutions and policies that would promote the sustainable use of bioresources.

The project will contribute to both national and European academic, public and political debate on the sustainable use of bioresources and offer new knowledge on cooperation solutions in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. It will help to understand the role of the various market, public and civil society factors and the effective implementation and management of the principles of interconnection. Researchers will identify good practices in the use of bioresource circulation, evaluate the economic efficiency of business and develop a methodology for evaluating the implementation of bioresource circulation in enterprises.

Researchers will develop scientific articles for publication in international peer-reviewed journals, submit new joint project applications, conduct training seminars, and promote researcher mobility. The result will be new partnerships, interdisciplinary cooperation and inter-institutional training.

The Baltic Studies Center will implement the project in cooperation with the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, the Institute of Rural and Regional Studies RURALIS (Norway), the Estonian University of Natural Sciences (Estonia) and the University of Vilnius (Lithuania). The project starts on October 1st, 2021 but ends on April 30, 2024. The total project costs amount is 984,223.60 euros, of which 836,590.06 euros is EEA grant funding and 147,633.54 euros is Latvia’s co-financing.

In the first quarter of 2021, the open competition of the Baltic Research programme ended, in which projects were submitted for the efficient and sustainable use of resources in the fields of public health, e-health, regional economic development and innovative solutions. The available funding of 7.5 million made it possible to fund eight research projects, leaving many high-quality projects on the reserve list. The funding of the Baltic Research programme was supplemented with another million euros, thus enabling Latvian scientists to implement another international research project from the reserve list with the highest number of points.

The Baltic Research programme is one of the activities of the Research and Education programme, which is financially supported by EEA grants . The programme promotes cooperation between research institutions of the Baltic States and research organizations in Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The programme is managed by the Ministry of Education and Science, which is responsible for the implementation of the programme in Latvia, but the State Education Development Agency is the implementer of the programme and performs project evaluation, implementation monitoring and control.

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